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iPhone Moon - 20th May 2018


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Nice but quick look at the moon tonight, normal pack drill of iPhone handheld to one channel of the binoviewers. Had the tripod down low and was sitting on the grass for this one, very civilised but a few gnat bites for my trouble!

Lovely phase against tonight. Messier and Messier A still showing well, plus plenty of action near the terminator. Need to have a look at some charts tomorrow to identify some of the details I saw.

First image is an example of unprocessed with poor seeing. Next two are lower power and higher power crop when the seeing was better. Nice detail coming through, I enjoyed Theophilus, Cyrillus and Catharine, four peaks showing in Theophilus with a lovely shadow.

Packed up now, but good to get out.





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8 minutes ago, MarsG76 said:

iPhone???!?!??! Amazing...


Thanks :) yep, with a little help from a Tak ;) 

Here’s a close crop, not sure how that will look but works ok on my phone


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5 minutes ago, Stu said:

Thanks :) yep, with a little help from a Tak ;) 

Here’s a close crop, not sure how that will look but works ok on my phone


Thats almost looks like a CCD stack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOt bad... 

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I've tried so often to use my iPhone, with little success - I can never hold it steady, in the right place, and at the proper angle. But here's a shot with my Panasonic Lumix, tonight.... also with a little help from the Tak!


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