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Started to set up at 10 with sons help polar aligned put weights on and the 200p my objective was to view Jupiter. Put the barrier up I have to block out light earlier and positioned scope where I normally do, this was not right to see Jupiter as it was in the South heading west behind my barrier moved the mount started to polar align took me a little while taking weights and scope off. Put weights and scope on realized have to move mount again to see Jupiter was going to pack in at this point.

All set up using the dongle tonight started SynScan pro connected proceeded to do two star alignment  Jupiter and Vega, Jupiter first and the mount goes in the opposite direction and stops almost immediately and says align Jupiter manually. So I thought just swing it round myself clicked the slewing speed to 9 swung it round so right in crosshairs of the finder looked in eyepiece nothing, for the next 30 minutes  I was going backwards and forwards trying to get Jupiter in the FOV  finally got it centered it off to Vega.

Mount slews round to Vega stops only now I have to stand on a chair to look through focuser but happily Vega was in FOV centered that alignment successful.

M13 just to check alignment mount goes the other way points up near Cassiopeia. Back to Vega just inside FOV of finder i had centered that before on Vega. 

OK two star alignment again told the app to forget previous alignment started at Vega centered that now Arcturus yes in FOV centered and alignment successful. Looked at my watch 12.15 two hours setting up unbelievable.

To Jupiter brilliant gone past my barrier so cannot see that tonight. On to what I did observe.

M13 lovely at x125 with the 8mm stars popping out all over the place.

M92 similar to M13 just smaller but could see individual stars 

M57 cracking view like a polo mint in the sky really enjoyed this.

IC 4593 nothing could not see it

NGC 6210 same again nothing

Webbs Wreath (SAO 0856 78) got this off Nick (cotterless45) could see a circle of stars resembling a number 6 or 9 but the circle was not complete.

NGC 6229  was only a smudge put my 11mm in x90 and it popped out really nice

Beta Cygni (SAO 0873 01)  Albireo did not look as good as I have seen it yellow was yellow but the blue wasn't that distinct as I had seen previously.

Omicron Cygni (SAO 0493 37) These where definitely yellow and blue 

16 Cygni (SAO 0318 98) white twins 

17 Cygni (SAO 0688 27) Another yellow and blue pair the blue star was small though 

I wanted to try 61 Cygni but have not figured out how to put coordinates in the app.

M51 mount said no would not let me goto it the symbol for goto was not even there 

M66 same again no symbol to press to goto 

Finally had enough packed up son carried everything in looked at the time 1 am so I had benn out since 10pm and got 45 minutes viewing very frustrating.

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Sounds like the app was not recognising your previous home position, that can result in it pointing all over the place.If you're using SS: Before turning off , get SS near to your home position , then disconnect and go to home position and apply on the SW app. If using SW alone , ensure you get back to your home position by motors, before applying and turning off. These Ai s  have long memories !

Applying coordinates to the SW app is a pain. Where you put them in is too small and fiddly. I did email SW , even a few SAO in the catalogues would be nice ! But for the money and convenience it's still recommended , especially coupled to SS.

After lots of use you get into a routine . ( you also learn new words about frustration !)

After faffing around , I would have just plugged in the handset and waited for another night when the gremlins were busy elsewhere !

Lovely targets , "Webb's Wreath " is lovely with a bit of darkness. Check out" Graff's cluster" next time.


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Good 45 mins! Do keep in mind that's a pretty full glass.

I'm fully manual alt-az myself - it has its advantages. I suppose I spend more time preparing sessions in order to get enough done on clear nights, but it's better than watching telly. :happy11:

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12 minutes ago, cotterless45 said:

Sounds like the app was not recognising your previous home position, that can result in it pointing all over the place.If you're using SS: Before turning off , get SS near to your home position , then disconnect and go to home position and apply on the SW app. If using SW alone , ensure you get back to your home position by motors, before applying and turning off. These Ai s  have long memories !

Applying coordinates to the SW app is a pain. Where you put them in is too small and fiddly. I did email SW , even a few SAO in the catalogues would be nice ! But for the money and convenience it's still recommended , especially coupled to SS.

After lots of use you get into a routine . ( you also learn new words about frustration !)

After faffing around , I would have just plugged in the handset and waited for another night when the gremlins were busy elsewhere !

Lovely targets , "Webb's Wreath " is lovely with a bit of darkness. Check out" Graff's cluster" next time.


Is there anyway of telling the app to forget everything as I did not put it back in park last night.

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12 minutes ago, wookie1965 said:

Is there anyway of telling the app to forget everything as I did not put it back in park last night.

On mine when It starts it says something like: ‘start from saved settings’ or something like that. I always hit ‘no’ cos I always have my mount and scope in different places when I start. I haven’t had any problems so far. Well done for sticking with it. It can be a pain when things don’t go right. I haven’t managed to see Jupiter yet this year as it’s always benn in wrong position (I have limited views south) or the weather gets in the way. I’ll keep trying though ?

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53 minutes ago, Dazzyt66 said:

On mine when It starts it says something like: ‘start from saved settings’ or something like that. I always hit ‘no’ cos I always have my mount and scope in different places when I start. I haven’t had any problems so far. Well done for sticking with it. It can be a pain when things don’t go right. I haven’t managed to see Jupiter yet this year as it’s always benn in wrong position (I have limited views south) or the weather gets in the way. I’ll keep trying though ?

I said connect on the app it connected and that was it nothing else just came up with menu I will have to fiddle with it thanks for the info.

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9 hours ago, wookie1965 said:

I said connect on the app it connected and that was it nothing else just came up with menu I will have to fiddle with it thanks for the info.

To get that message may be because I always ‘park’ mine at the end of a session. Under utilities I think...

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On ‎17‎-‎5‎-‎2018 at 09:03, wookie1965 said:

M13 lovely at x125 with the 8mm stars popping out all over the place.

M92 similar to M13 just smaller but could see individual stars 

M57 cracking view like a polo mint in the sky really enjoyed this.

Better luck next time, but atleast you see some beauties. 


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Sounds like a bit of a nightmare Paul, aligning mounts can be a bit of a pain.

I do wonder if it might be worth taking a simpler approach, particularly for planetary or lunar observing? I enjoy the tracking you get with an EQ but use a Vixen GP with dual axis drives, no goto. Simply plonk down level facing north, put the tracking on and find the target. Presumably you could operate your mount like this, just turn on the tracking, manually find the target and away you go?

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20 hours ago, Stu said:

Sounds like a bit of a nightmare Paul, aligning mounts can be a bit of a pain.

I do wonder if it might be worth taking a simpler approach, particularly for planetary or lunar observing? I enjoy the tracking you get with an EQ but use a Vixen GP with dual axis drives, no goto. Simply plonk down level facing north, put the tracking on and find the target. Presumably you could operate your mount like this, just turn on the tracking, manually find the target and away you go?

With light polluted skies I cannot even see the objects I am going for especially the fainter doubles. When I use the handset its easy and I have used the dongle before I think like Nick said the apps remembered where I had finished and as I did not park the scope it was going from the last place it stopped. 

I have cleared the cache now so should start as new I will remember to park the scope next time. 

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2 minutes ago, wookie1965 said:

With light polluted skies I cannot even see the objects I am going for especially the fainter doubles. When I use the handset its easy and I have used the dongle before I think like Nick said the apps remembered where I had finished and as I did not park the scope it was going from the last place it stopped. 

I have cleared the cache now so should start as new I will remember to park the scope next time. 

I understand, I guess I was thinking that if you just wanted to view Jupiter then alignment is not necessary, nor is accurate polar alignment so this could save you a lot of time.

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Just now, Stu said:

I understand, I guess I was thinking that if you just wanted to view Jupiter then alignment is not necessary, nor is accurate polar alignment so this could save you a lot of time.

Yes I could manually swing round to Jupiter, to be honest never thought of that too busy trying get the dongle and mount to move in unison.

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That old goto thing never gets old does it :laugh2:

A few targets Paul and some nice views which is pleasant at this time of year barring the fact you have to be out the early hours to get some darkness. 

Not been out myself since November! Scope probably won't see stars while August now. 

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6 minutes ago, mapstar said:

That old goto thing never gets old does it :laugh2:

A few targets Paul and some nice views which is pleasant at this time of year barring the fact you have to be out the early hours to get some darkness. 

Not been out myself since November! Scope probably won't see stars while August now. 

Looking through your scope was amazing and I did think about getting a big dob but then I thought how many times would I use it, it is vary rare I get my 8" out now.

Tried it the other night and even not collimated showed some nice objects but it is only good on the brighter stuff, I really wanted it for darkish sky stuff but with this street light I am snookered. 

I am trying to find a place nearby I can go to, but I am enjoying the Tal getting the doubles and triples plenty of targets for me there.

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