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First Light for new EP's


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At long last, after recieveing my new EP's over a week ago, I finally had an hour of clear skies tonight.

I set up the scope and first inserted the 2" ES maxvision 68 degree 28mm and targeted the Great Orion Nebula. PANIC! Wouldn't focus, no matter what I tried until I loosened the securing screws and started to ease the EP from the focuser. At the exact point the EP left the focuser, focus was acheived. I stood and thought then suddenly remembered a 2" EP adaptor that I had tucked away for safekeeping when I unpacked the scope from new :embarassed: A quick scrabble round the bedroom and I found it. Once the correct set uphad been achieved- WOW! I now fully understand the benefits of quality EP's. The definition I could percieve was gobsmacking. The best view I have had of this beautiful target.

After a few minutes of observing through the ES, I then swapped it out for the 1.25" BST Starguider ED 8mm. Previously when viewing through the stock SW Super 10mm the degradation in quality was quite marked. This time, outside of the marginal focus, the definition/contrast of the nebulosity was breathtaking. I got much better results than I was expecting.

A few minutes more on the nebula and I then relocated the scope to a position for M31. I swaped back to the ES and once on target, I was able to observe the Andromeda Galaxy in great detail using averted vision- again, the best yet. After a little while, I slewed towards Casseopia and found myself floating in a cluster of stars that matched perfectly the description 'stardust'. I'm not sure what the cluster was but I found myself transfixed. The abundance of pinpoints gave me goosebumps. This is what I took up astonomy for- the moments of personal discovery. It made my night! I swapped to the Starguider just to see what I could see. The beauty was somewhat diminished but the sense of wonder wasn't as the presence of even more stars became apparent- dimmer but definitely more of them.

Work tomorrow meant packing up after 45 minutes or so but, come the next clear sky, I know what I'm doing.

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We have the 24mm and at 4mm exit pupil you really do get that diamonds on black velvet effect on good nights, especially through Cass. Wait til you get it on the Great Glob. Some nights that'll be all I look into. Frames perfectly, almost filling the whole FOV. Congrats. :happy7:

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Brilliant report. You conveyed your excitement really well. The 8mm BST was my first upgrade and I got my first look of M42 through it. Great EP. I remember being surprised how big it was compared to the stock eyepieces which is funny when you see the pics of the proper big boy eyepieces!

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9 hours ago, Littleguy80 said:

Brilliant report. You conveyed your excitement really well. The 8mm BST was my first upgrade and I got my first look of M42 through it. Great EP. I remember being surprised how big it was compared to the stock eyepieces which is funny when you see the pics of the proper big boy eyepieces!

In comparison with the kit EP's the BST IS large. Compared to the 2" ES Maxvision however..... That was a real surprise.

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