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First one from Kelling - M33 up, close and personal.


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Tired but happy :smiley:. Horrible dew infestation Thursday and Friday nights (example: Friday night, I took the cap off of the ZS110, did the GOTO alignment and was saturated by the time I had finished. Cap went back on and that was that....) but after some kind donations, I was prepared for the watery worst and managed to get some data.

M33 - a grand total of 1hr 35 mins (19 x 5 mins) taken by an Atik 16HR with an IR cut in the nosepiece through a WO ZS110. Guided by a WO ZS66, QHY5 and PHD. Stacked in DSS and processed in Photoshop.


(click to enlarge)

I'm planning on grabbing some Ha data and the RGB at some point so watch this space.


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Certainly was Dave, I didn't even get the RGB wheel out as it would only have brough dew into the imaging train:). It was cut short by cloud rolling in at about 2 ish which I took as a sign that enough is enough. And sure enough, it cleared just as I was finishing packing up...


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Cheers everyone :smiley:, if everyone's data from Saturday comes up trumps there should be a plethora of stuuning images coming!

Really looking forward to grabbing the RGB and HA on this. Fingers crossed we get a clear night or two this side of Christmas.....


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Well, here's an RGB effort. One thing I didn't think of when I did the mono was I have to get the camera EXACTLY in the same place to get all of the image in. Not a problem when your object has plenty of space around it so you can crop out any overlaps but there's no room for manouvre here. I spent an hour trying to get it right and this was as close as I could get. Very frustrating!

Ah well. Perhaps I could re-do the whole object with the ZS66 at a later date.

Data: 33 mins (11x3 mins) each of Red and Green and 45 mins (15x3 mins) of Blue.


(click to enlarge)


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Using the ZS66 is a very good idea Tony, not for getting the luminence but just to gather the RGB. If you are using the shorter f/l might be best not to bin though or your RGB stars might end up looking rather bloated when they are enlarged to match the luminence.

To get decent saturation you need to aim for the same s/n ratio in each colour channel as you have in the luminence. If you bin the colour subs your total RGB exposure time should be about the same as your luminence.

Your red is making a good contribution and actually pulling out some of the ha regions but the blue and green don't seem to be coming through. How did you align and combine?

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Well done mate, adding the colour has given it a lift, although I do like mono.

I do like the knots of Ha that are brought out. It has brought some dynamism to it alright.

I guess you are at the top table now matey. :thumbright:

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To get decent saturation you need to aim for the same s/n ratio in each colour channel as you have in the luminence. If you bin the colour subs your total RGB exposure time should be about the same as your luminence.

Your red is making a good contribution and actually pulling out some of the ha regions but the blue and green don't seem to be coming through. How did you align and combine?

Here's my conundrum Martin, I did the luminence and Kelling without my IDAS LP filter but I have to use one at home. I worked on the theory that the IDAS adds on about 25% to the exposure time so I reckoned it working out to about 2 hours for the Luminence if I did that at home, hence my figures for the RGB data.

I did the combine using RGB merge in PS and aligned it DSS, then took it back into PS for the processing. Another thing is seems to me, there's a lot of 'different' M33 images, it seems to be one of those objects that appears very subjective to the person unlike say, M27. You know where you are with it if you catch my drift.

Do you fancy having a play with the data Martin? (Or anyone else for that matter?)

EDIT: Just a thought Martin, you mentioned about not binning with the 66. If I was to re-take the whole lot again or when I'm looking at using the 66 for another object, would you not recommend binning the colour on those occasions as well?


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