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Back home with scope

Martin 2

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Picked up the scope ok, had a bit of a scare, half an inch of snow by 3.30 am last night, thought we might get snowed in but had mostly gone this morning. About 460 miles round trip.

The Scope? Its huge, a real looker now I have to learn how to use it, I have it set up in the living room at the moment.

I'll get it outside tomorrow when Ive got used to putting it together.

Martin 2

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Why's the picture gone :laugh: :laugh:

Wow, cleared around 3.00am. Fantastic transparency seeing 10/10 and wind dropped. Aurora on display. Clouded over again now though. You didn't sleep through it did you Martin :laugh:


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I still never got to see it Tut Tut Tut

I don't know you live your life like a fine upstanding citizen never cause or get into any bother and you ask a simple question can I see your picture and you get treated like ***in* things grrrr, oh well back to being an angel!

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The picture is no longer on Isee Stars, the only reason this would happen is if somebody deleted it. I'll have a look in the backups to see if the system backed it up before it was deleted but to be honest, the easiest thing is if you just reupload the image.

Is it possible you deleted it by mistake?



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