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Cassini - The Grand Finale


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Many of us will be "with" her... him...it... in the final moments?
The wisdom of steering the thing to its fiery end is clear but... :cry:
Huygens landing on Titan remains my "highlight of the century!

I trust countdowns more than EDT to GMT (BST) conversion! ;)

Apparently no more pics from now on? So I'm still looking for
the closest visual shots of Saturn itself - Cloudscapes notably!
The recent shots from 750,000(!) miles are *great*, but... :o
Anyone have any links from the canonical "thousand" miles?

Aside: Sometimes I don't understand NASA publicists! They
ask for *questions* on Twitter... Someone says: "Where are
the closeups then?", and they don't reply! Many links are to
*simulated* images and then the internet "chorus of idiots"
starts shouting about Fakery, Conspiracy etc. Aaaaaagrh! :angry8:


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hi chris, I'm in two minds about it, on one hand I'm looking forward to what we will learn from the event and on the other where smashing our junk "couldn't think of a better word" into a pure world , theres that niggle in the back of my mind , id say I'm about 70% for and 20% against and 10% hovering being wanting to bring the little fellow back to earth and put it in a museum " I know its impossible but that don't stop me thinking it , NASA do claim to do the impossible".

clear skys, charl.

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2 hours ago, xtreemchaos said:

 wanting to bring the little fellow back to earth and put it in a museum " I know its impossible but that don't stop me thinking it ,

Yea! great minds and all that,   I just posted in the other topic that it is quite sad that it could not be brought back home ! :crybaby2:

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Another era comes to an end.

We lost the space shuttle, now Cassini and soon the Hubble... space exploration is far and between because due to the all mighty dollar restrictions... but that is only because it's money spent for knowledge, exploration and science... and yet governments find money to waste on pushing disgusting, deviant and or traitorous agenda on its citizens... another sad day in history and science.

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11 minutes ago, Charic said:

Not sure why my text above is a 'faded' pink  colour and hidden?
 If someone on the team could apply a fix, then delete this text please!

Any post with 'UFO' is added to the mod queue for approval. Helps us cut out some of the drivel before you guys see it.


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24 minutes ago, Alien 13 said:

I cant think how smashing it into Saturn is somehow supposed to be a good option, any organism that survived the initial launch and space radiation over the years could survive.

but it was not primarily for the benefit of Saturn, 'twas to protect Enceladus and its possible life harbouring ocean(s) I think.

I hope it didnt pop any dirigibles on its way down ! I am vaguely remembering from long ago an SF novel in which life on a gas giant evolved with gas sacks to enable it to float in more clement regions ( Jupiter perhaps, Azimov perhaps ?) but I dunno what gas was supposed to keep them afloat in a hydrogen atmosphere ??!


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1 minute ago, SilverAstro said:

but it was not primarily for the benefit of Saturn, 'twas to protect Enceladus and its possible life harbouring ocean(s) I think.

I hope it didnt pop any dirigibles on its way down ! I am vaguely remembering from long ago an SF novel in which life on a gas giant evolved with gas sacks to enable it to float in more clement regions ( Jupiter perhaps, Azimov perhaps ?) but I dunno what gas was supposed to keep them afloat in a hydrogen atmosphere ??!


I wouldn't dismiss life existing anywhere in the solar system even the Sun, I suppose if Saturn was devoid of life it isn't now :icon_biggrin:


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Yep! similarly - I think I read somewhere that it was to protect both Enceladus AND Titan from a wanderlust out of power Cassini,   but I deliberately didnt repeat the Titan bit cos we already contaminated that one (potentially) with a sort of a lander,

not even a fireball. PS I hope hydrogen is not flammable on Saturn ? LOL!

Edit I cant help it, I cant stop laughing, that has the makings of a Doh! Simpsons episode, or at very least a grade1 chemistry lesson ?


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