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Great Orion Nebula M42 in LRGB - stacked and calibrated in Astro Pixel Processor


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This is a reprocess of an image I did earlier in the year get.jpg

I felt that the colours were not quite right on that version. Furthermore, I had overworked the core, leading to an un-natural look. This is softer, but none the worse for that I feel.

The data were calibrated, stacked and registered using Astro Pixel Processor. The RGB files were then combined and calibrated also in APP.

M42 data were gathered over several nights in January and February 2017. The date given is the date of final capture.

In total, this is 14.2 hours of exposure.  


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27 minutes ago, gnomus said:

The data were calibrated, stacked and registered

Can I say 'thank you' for a really nice image, but especially for saying "the data were" rather than "the data was" ...

...although I do somewhat vacillate between it being a plural or a collective noun, in this instance it seems to be plural (perhaps Olly will put me right here.)

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5 minutes ago, xtreemchaos said:

outstanding, a feast for the eye "not you the pic" one of the best ive ever seen. double well done and plenty of WOWs too. charl.

Jings, thanks Charl.

4 minutes ago, AKB said:

Can I say 'thank you' for a really nice image, but especially for saying "the data were" rather than "the data was" ...

...although I do somewhat vacillate between it being a plural or a collective noun, in this instance it seems to be plural (perhaps Olly will put me right here.)

Thank you AKB.  When it comes to these matters, I too am a bit of a pedant.  I won't say which 'bit' - although I am certain that @MrsGnomus has a particular anatomical area in mind - one which I cannot distinguish from my olecranon process, I'm afraid.

I believe the singular is 'datum'.

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Wonderful faint dusty detail.  Well done on getting 14 hours worth of good data!  It's purely personal but I downloaded your image, stuck it in PS and turned the saturation slider down a notch, loved it even more then!  There's no right answer to how much salt and vinegar you should have on your chips.

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