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Is this a dream ?


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Ive more chance of winning tonights lottery that seeing any Stars tonight at my locale. Just when is it going to end!

I just hope your seeing conditions are as good, but isn't the Moon visible tonight, you just can't win!

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Last time I even looked at the Moon was back in May, trialling some eyepieces, think it was the Baader's, the last ones to leave the observatory!

Tonight/Morning the Moon won't be  high enough to observe due to the  South facing tree line, even if there was a gap in the clouds, but I could have  viewed with binoculars from the comfort of my  office, with a glass of something sparkly, with Holst playing through my ATH-M50 headphones, that would be soothing!

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Funny old thing though, for Years I never knew  Gustav Holst  was English!  secondly, more importantly, the movements, 7 in all,  were nothing to do with astronomy?.......perhaps that  glass or two of wine my have  clouded  my knowledge back then ( yes, there's that b....y weather word again, clouded!)
But no matter that is was all inspired from his  study of Astrology, its still a piece of classical music I enjoy, Jupiter being the  favourite.

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Im slightly suspicious if im honest.. i have exactly the same skys, nice and blue and clear. Coincidently exactly the same as last night.. ive a clear forecast too, exactly the same as last night.. however last night as soon as the lens cover was off, clouds out of nowhere, loads of them, all over the place.. 

Still though be rude not to set up as ive just had a day with a 2 and half year old telling me "he doesnt want too" to absolutely everything and anything.. be a nice relaxation a bit of moon gazing and photography!

Enjoy if youve got them... clear skys that is, not grumpy toddlers!



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Nah they'll just be blue clouds. I actually resorted to going outside and shouting "I'm not setting my scope up tonight it's too cloudy" as the reverse psychology seemed to work on the kids. But it's still cloudy, so it appears the clouds hate me, and they're smarter than they look...

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Clear sky....check.

kids sleeping....check

brand new mount set up ready to go.....check.




loads of clouds suddenly appear from the horizon....FFS.!!


not sure if i should pack it all away or just wait 30minutes.

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Well I never won the lottery, but there's a break in the clouds, the sky is clear at present, not for long.
Here's my Moon between the lowest point in the tree line, with street light competition.




This second image through the 15x70's


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