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Wondering Aloud...

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Bear in mind I don't last long at an eyepiece, so see this from an imaging perspective

If I was to get a new scope to add to my collection, it would have to be either a longer focal length than my 150PL (1200mm) to gibe me a 'planet killer' or shorter than the 130P-DS (about 570mm with CC) to give me a wider field scope.

I have several camera lenses, one of which is a 400mm f6.3, Prinz galaxy which is better than it ought to be, but does show a fair purple halo around the stars.

So, I had been dreaming of a Celestron C8 or even a C9 (some hope!) although with the planets drooping down just above the horizon, this might be something for six or seven year's time...

But now I've spotted the Williams Optics Zenithstar 61 APO, focal length 360mm,  f5.9. With a field flattener it's 288mm.

Lots to like:

APO (well ED) so nice pin-prick stars

  • Focal length a bit shorter than the 400mm lens so it can replace it, but also over twice that of my lovely 135mm Sonnar so not clashing with that.
  • Short FL and good optics might mean something I'm more comfortable with LOOKING THROUGH! (there's a thought!)
  • Could even function as a very posh guide scope(!) although my little achro frankenstein scope works well.
  • Ideal for my 'light mount' approach.
  • Small enough for grab and go AP, even for use with a tabletop GOTO or a star adventurer mini.

But to be brutally honest:

  • Probably the only scope I've seen that actually made me say 'wow' (sorry Tak fans). :laugh:

So folks, I know what to save up to buy myself for Christmas.

And you are all wondering what is the question...

Well - which colour should I be planning on?

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Here the colors work out as: Orange = Celestron, Black = Skywatcher, Blue = Meade, & Red = Orion-USA.

Celestron SCT's are thought excellent by their adoring owners! I like the Meade a little more for technical reasons. But I usually suggest Celestron C8's to people who don't want to want to do some mechanical work to their SCT (or MCT for that matter), to get them working as well as possible. I wouldn't suggest SCT's to people only interested in planets though - they really are as close to an 'all-rounder' telescope capable of much more. If I wanted something specific to planets, I'd steer for a Maksutov (and I did!).

Whatever works for you - go ahead!


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