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Sun WL 26.04.17


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Persuaded that it might be an idea to prefer the Herschel Wedge to film. ;)
(Thanks for the extensive feedback folks!) 

Managed to place C-thread focal reducer really close to ASI120MM chip for
about 0.7x my ED66's 400mm -- Finally a WHOLE disk on smaller chip! :D


(Now minus the reducer) The individual spot regions Barlowed 2x:

Spot2.jpg.342753985dc68d3862c50b02a192c7f1.jpg  Spot1.jpg.3bdefa996997c2f0beedd1c19b5c614d.jpg

Shortly afterwards managed to mislay(?) my ND1.8 filter... So that may be that for a while. :angry8:

Win some, lose some, I guess... :p

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great result Chris, I love my wedge, I kept putting my finger throught the film , id go through 2 half sheets a year, I'm on my 2nd year with the wedge  so another six months and it would of payed for its self in what id payed for foil. you have some nice detail in those shots mate. charl.

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Ya not wrong, Charl! Moved a bit too quickly this afternoon and left
a finger nail DENT in my pristine Baader-Made Filter -- Aaargh!
I sense you can probably replace the film, if needed? ;)

Just finished processing the H-Alpha full disk. Need a rest now! :D 
(Truth be told a tad chilly standing around today? Gas fire on.) 



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Thanks Folks! :)

Yes, I will probably find it at some future date! lol. Reinstated the
(Poundstretcher!) "sandwich box" to throw all small things into... 
Trying not to use laptop as a "carrying tray" when I'm done! :icon_jokercolor:

:D (Another) Macavity's TOP TIP: 

Since I only remembered yesterday, here's the very useful C-Thread
"Video Astronomy" Focal Reducer which sits the lens a bit closer to
(e.g. ZWO Camera) chip for 0.7x --- To "embiggen" smaller chips! :p


'Course it doesn't really give you a bigger chip, but it can give the
Sun's image a bit more wiggle-room in the frame, if needed! Also
only requires a very few mm of in-focus for the lesser reductions! ;)

Used to be sold by Opticron with a set of 5mm C-type spacer rings,
for variable reductions from 0.25x(!) to 0.8x! Still(?) available from: 

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