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Herschel Wedge versus Mylar WL Filter


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<Disappointment> re. lack of image(s) will be tangible! :p
Wondering if anyone has done a head-to-head?
(Herschel Wedge versus Mylar WL Filter)
I might just try it for myself! ;)

Noting particularly the recent (and common?) difficulties
(re. limited in-focus) of the Lunt Herschel Wedge! Might
even revert to my (posh version!) Baader Mylar Filter.  :)

N.B. Visually I like the additional security of the Wedge! 

Aside: There are technical articles on such things that
demonstrate quite a positive result for (some) Mylar? 


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I think Moonshane (Shane) may well have compared the two ?

I moved from a Baader film filter to the 1.25" Lunt Herschel wedge and I feel that the wedge provides crisper images with a little more contrast. Subtle white light details such as faculae are shown a little more clearly and I can see the surface granulation more readily with my 4" refractors than I could with the filter.

Not a huge difference but welcome. I've used the Herschel wedge for outreach quite a lot and it works well. My astro society prefers them because they are more secure for public viewing.


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When I decided to try my hand at solar viewing last year I tried both. I found the wedge gave slightly better detail, especially when using a solar continuum filter. I also just felt that that the wedge was the safer option.

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There was definitely an improvement to my eyes although it's some time since I changed in truth. Both are really excellent and there's no doubt the film is better vfm. 

Personally though I always felt slightly ill at ease with the film given how easily you could knock off the filter (potentially anyway) and the wedge is definitely safer from this perspective. 

Obviously with newts, SCTs and Maks, the film wins as it's the only option!

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Yep, Wedge for me too. I think actually the 1.25" Lunt represents excellent value for money, and the views are fab. Stick one in any decent 80mm or larger frac and you will have a lot of fun :) 

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