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H-Alpha 18.04.17 (Disk Only)


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Mostly for my own benefit. lol. Lots of thin cloud/contrails! BUT I do seem
now to be able to improve Full-Disk Images via application of a FLAT!?! :)
Notably at "data taking" stage in FireCapture rather than post-processing:
(For anyone caring... Using the "Fruit & Veg BAG" idea from Alex et al.) :p

Really does need less variable conditions to confirm anything though...


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3 hours ago, xtreemchaos said:

I care very much mate...

I know! Heheh. Genuine thanks for encouragement / interest here! ;)

Starting to get quite enthusiastic. This a BIGLY blown up region of
"pixel variations" I now get -- In exchange for Newton's Rings!? :angry8: :D

Left side without a flat... Right side *with* (Morrisons!) BAG Flat...


BAG is significantly higher opacity than (negligible) cling film. I have 
to boost the exposure time by a factor of 20x to take the FLAT. :eek:
But, for full disks, it avoids the (inevitable?) collimation problems I
get using "extreme de-focusing" (which always left "bad edges"!) 

I never seem to get far with OFFLINE flat removal on Full Disks! :o
Not many seem to try REAL TIME Flat removal with FireCapture.
It seems a real possibility? The author seems like a "Good Bloke"
(a.k.a. FINE programmer!) So Kudos to Mr. Torsten Edelmann! :)

Who Knows? But If I can encourage folks to try random  stuff...

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