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10 out of 11 days


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Excellent, fingers crossed for tomorrow.

Had a go today but focusing was difficult with really bad seeing, even worse than yesterday, so thought I'd leave it doing a timelapse of the AR unfortunately I forgot to set the ROI so captured 60 odd full discs using the Skyris 274 which have now been going through AS2 for 6 hours and still 20 to go :grin:


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Wow there's no stopping you Steve.great result. Dave is it a very old computer? I ask because I have an ordinary low spec laptop and it processes  my 30 second videos in about 15 seconds each with AS2


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Remember AS2! (Or better still the new AS3!) is just the first step....

After successful stacking you still need to apply some wavelets processing to bring out the detail as well as some contrast enhancements.


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Impressed you got THAT many days of clear... :D 

Mind you, lost a couple at the *start* of a Seven Day
run last summer...  It pays to be optimistic I suppose! :p

Probably worth the price of a portable disk to keep the
original AVI files too <ahem> Processing ideas evolve! ;)

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4 hours ago, Iainp said:

Wow there's no stopping you Steve.great result. Dave is it a very old computer? I ask because I have an ordinary low spec laptop and it processes  my 30 second videos in about 15 seconds each with AS2


It's not old .5 processor could do with more memory, the size of the video files produced by the Skyris 274 seems to be the problem, OK  for a single full discs but not good for animations.

I capture and process to an external USB3 drive and then just copy the tiffs to my laptop for further processing.

I usually select an ROI around anything I want to do a timelapse of but having just done a FD I forgot to set the ROI  and left it taking full frames so ended up with 60 odd full frame vid's.

Really need to get a new camera for the LS60, the Skyris is a pain, USB3 but it's limited to 20 fps even in ROI mode and at longer exposures drops to single figures.

Still need to capture a full disc in one go as it's handy for a quick image, ZWO174 maybe ?


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1 hour ago, Davey-T said:

the of the video files produced by the Skyris 274 seems to be the problem

Interesting. I'll check the size of the files I'm getting with full disc, if the sun ever comes out again. I hope it didn't seem like I was bad-mouthing your computer, I know nothing about these things! Just was surprised when you mentioned hours of processing :happy11:


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1 hour ago, Iainp said:

Interesting. I'll check the size of the files I'm getting with full disc, if the sun ever comes out again. I hope it didn't seem like I was bad-mouthing your computer, I know nothing about these things! Just was surprised when you mentioned hours of processing :happy11:


You should hear the names I call it :grin:

I'm considering the ZWO 174 but the claims of no Newton rings seem to be a bit suspect.

One thing on the Skyris favour it doesn't get NRs.


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Excellent solar summary you put together there Steve ;-), im not bothering today, same reason as Dave, the seeing is pants & way too much haze.

The weekend is looking to be clear blue skies to better luck for me then.

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