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Owl Nebula and M108 Galaxy


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Wow, last night was one of my best night of observation yet  in a fairly good sky at a new spot I found 100 kms away from home. The Milky way and the map of stars in Perseus and Auriga were astonishing. (I was so impressed I jumped a few times literally when I got out of my car)

Many DSO's were visible at naked eye, the double cluster and the beehive clusters especially. At the Eyepiece, there was probably at least 1000 stars visible in 1.0 degrees TFOV. Around Taurus and Orion is was breathtaking, I still can't believe it now. Ursa Major was so high it the sky also.

--> I had to do a DSO marathon.

Perseus : Double Double Cluster 40x (Incredible)

Auriga: Many clusters in the center, were visible at naked eye, beautiful, many hundreds of stars.

Taurus: Crab nebula at 55x, NPB filter ineffective on the crab.

Cancer: The large Beehive cluster.

Ursa Major: Owl nebula and M108 Galaxy (NPB filter easily double the view of the OWL), Galaxy NGC3631, Galaxy NGC3877, Galaxy M109 with visible galactic core, The huge Pinwheel Galaxy and the incredible Whirlpool Galaxy with its little partner (but no texture of the twirl)

Hydra: The first time I actually see that superb constellation! all of it was visible. Galaxy Spindle with visible galactic core.

Gemini: The Eskimo nebula was greenish ~ bluish at 100x and greatly enhanced by NPB filter, like a light coming out from space.

Jupiter: Happy surprise to end this 4 hours observation, I thought it was a new bright star at 2am but no! it was Jupiter for the first time in 2017 (((: I could achieve a descent resolution at 100x and with the help of the Neodymium filter, with a little bit of turbulence. No red spot visible but there was high contrast on/off inside the north belt, probably some festoons.


Temperature : 0 degree celcius, overall transparency was kind of good, I am impressed again with what a 8" reflector can do when the sky is dark enough.

This is a sketch of the Owl and M108, both visible in the same FOV using my 25mm eyepiece. They are invisible from my home. I had to do some corrections in Gimp to make the stars rounder.


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Nice report and a great sketch of one of my favourite pairings :smiley:

I find that the NBP and O-III filters really enhance the Owl Nebula but at the expense of making M108 much fainter. Sometimes I like to go "filterless" on these to help M108 along !

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@john Ohh absolutely the sketch was done with no filter to preserve the galaxy has you said.  I tried the filter before the sketch but the object Owl was also visible with nothing on the Eyepiese (: I agree it's a great pair of DSOs

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Nice report N3ptune. Cannot see Owl nebula from where I am, been -27 deg 28 min south of the equator. Ursa Major just visible on northern horizon. Will try and observe the Beehive Cluster. We have had clear skies for weeks, and been busy with family to observe

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Excellent stuff N3ptune! Quite an undertaking to travel 100km to your observing site, but it sounds like it's a good one.

Wonderul sketch! This pairing are not really visible from my house, at least not with any satisfaction so I will try them when I go to the Star party coming soon in the Peak District. You have captured them very well :) 

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Thanks for all your comments, I want to bring more reports in the future and I still think about that observation today. Mixed with imagination it's like a visit to another world or some kind of  dream.

@cletrac1922 The beehive is a nice object too, a lot's of bright stars in it, you will like it it's comforting. :p (why I don't know)

@Richard Hather The conditions are terrible here also :p in the last 3 month I have less then 10 observations... I wish you a clear sky.

@andyboy1970 never tried the Baader UHC-s but they are expensive also, they must be good on many objects. The dumbbell and Orion respond very well with the NPB also, high enhancements on these objects.

@Stu and @laudropb thanks for the comment and support, it's appreciated!



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9 hours ago, niallk said:

Great report + sketch! :thumbsup:

Sounds like the 100km were well worth it :)

Thanks, definitely, I have a special maintenance budget for my car, I intend to go on more trips at various remote places. My next target is going to be even farther away from large cities, some people have observatories around there. 

These DSO targets I saw must be totally incredible in a large instrument like yours, the 15" obsession  I presume. The double double cluster must be breathtaking.

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