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what to remember to check PT I


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Following on from @D33P's thread 'what else could go wrong' it felt like an idea to put together a check list of what to look at before you start your session.

I wasn't sure whether to make this a checklist or a list of 'what went wrong and why'. I opted for a checklist to printout, and draw a line through each item as you do it.

I was thinking I'd print it an laminate it, then use a wax crayon (I am not allowed sharp objects any more) to score of each item.These will be available in sets of three for £30 along side Craig Starks design for a rig to align your laser collimator. 

Before you even start make sure that you have your location written down in all formats - some software uses hours minutes seconds, others hours in decimal only

e.g. a previous location for me was 58º 49' 40.6" N, 002º 54' 33.8" W; some software needed me to enter as 58º 49.67' N or 58.83º 

Assembly checks

  • tripod is secure, level and facing North.
  • mount is securely attached to the tripod
  • clean lenses and filters - flats will help reduce dust 'bunnies', but it it best not to have them in the first place of possible
  • filters are in place )particulalryof you are solar imaging) ,
  • filters are in the slots you want them to be in; you do not want to be using red when you thought it was OIII.
  • light pollution filter in place if you are using one e.g. OSC (One Shote Colour camera)
  • guide camera is secure in guidescope 
  • guide scope securely mounted - use clamshell type rings if you must use rings.
  • imaging 'scope secure
  • imaging camera secure, not is a good time to have guide and image cameras oriented to both are same way 'up' is this can make guiding easier.
  • filter wheel is secure
  • balance the rig
  • align finder scope if fitted.

Cabling - label all cables when assembling

  • Guide camera connected
  • Imaging camera connected
  • focuser for guide scope connected USB
  • focuser for imaging scope connected to USB
  • power to guide camera if required (you nay be using a cooled device)
  • power to imaging camera if required (you nay be using a cooled device)
  • power to mount
  • rebalance the rig - the cables will have put it out slightly.

Power- label all cables when assembling

  • Guide camera connected
  • Imaging camera connected
  • focus controller for guide scope connected
  • focus controller for imaging scope connected to USB
  • power to guide camera if required (you nay be using a cooled device)
  • power to imaging camera if required
  • turn each item on one at a time
  • confirm date and time of the mount is correct; most common mistake is to incorrectly allow for GMT/BST (Jonny Forener will have a different name LOL)
  • check current location on the mount is correct; most common mistake is to transpose latitude and longitude entries

Computer hardware

  • Power on the computer and check that OS is upto date and that no updates are scheduled to occur during your imaging session; Microsoft just love to provide updates that auto install and auto restart.
  • do NOT start to update any applications, ASCOM drivers etc. at this stage. You do that during the day
  • check power saving will not shut down your PC after a period of idleness - this is usually based on user interaction i.e. keyboard/miuse rather than if any applications are actively processing
  • image camera driver is loaded; just use supplied software to check you get an image
  • guide camera driver is loaded; as above
  • 'scope control driver loaded; use to slew in DEC and RA then return to home/park position

Compute software

  • plate solving software is working; use a previously solved image
  • plate solving software has correct observing location, date and time
  • plate solving software parameters include the correct imaging 'scope and/or camera details
  • plate solving software reference files cover the correct range of files of view
  • rack guidescope in an out using focus software; this is a good time to check focus of the guide scope.
  • rack imaging scope in an out using focus software; again, a good time to check focus is about correct.
  • guiding software has correct location
  • guiding software has correct time
  • stellarium software has correct location
  • stellarium has correct time and GMT offset.

Here endeth Part I, The First.





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Or the large notice above the extension lead plug marked "DO NOT UNPLUG OR TURN OFF!!!" is clearly and securely in place.


I must admit it make me slightly tired just reading that list but good effort. 

Edited by spillage
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I must admit though it's more detailed than my list.

Had to include " Remove focus mask"  on mine as well after many wasted first subs showed lovely focus still maintained :cussing:


MOD's  please can you remove this post as it's a duplicate posted in error.  TA 


Edited by Garethr
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28 minutes ago, Davey-T said:

Bit late to discover that the power tank isn't charged after you've set up :grin:


Py II includes charging whilst in situ (caveat that your tank allows charging whilst it is in use. If you are remote - take an inverter to charge form the car :))

Pt III (teardown) includes putting it on charge when finished.

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38 minutes ago, iapa said:

Py II includes charging whilst in situ (caveat that your tank allows charging whilst it is in use. If you are remote - take an inverter to charge form the car :))

Pt III (teardown) includes putting it on charge when finished.

If you're remote you need a list to make sure you've got everything before you leave home, an absent minded person could forget the counterweights :rolleyes2:


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4 hours ago, Davey-T said:

If you're remote you need a list to make sure you've got everything before you leave home, an absent minded person could forget the counterweights :rolleyes2:


That why we should all have duct tape in our cars..I find taping large stones to your mount resolve this one...

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  • 6 years later...

As I have recently seen completion of an observatory installation, I will be reviewing this over the next few weeks.

I would appreciate any feedback on subsequent posts.

The first will be a simple list of stages to consider.

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