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Clouds on the way

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I hope so, but I'll be leaving it here, mabe the clouds will stay away from Lucksall.

It's definitely one for the DDM, I don't think the HEQ5 would have the capacity, given the length and weight.

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Well, the delivery came:


And here are the clouds :grin:


Managed to wrestle it onto my patio table, with the 80mm f/4.4 for comparison. It's a bit of a beast!


Too big and heavy for imaging on the HEQ5, but I may, shock horror, put an eyepiece in it and actually *look* through it :eek:. Only to test collimation you understand :grin:.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I suspect the lenses all come from the same factory. The main structural difference between this and the AA one is in the focuser, which appears to be a more substantial 3.7" dia.

What the optical difference is I don't know, possibly QC.

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