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Sol 11-10-16 09.00 "updated"


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nice and sunny here but the seeing has gone to pot ,so no close up today, but ill update if i get better. kit- ed80, 1.5x barlow, lunt wedge, 1200d in mono and 1:1 crop mode. the old AR has nearly gone , just the big spot and the classic spot left, hope we get something new coming round. thanks for looking, clear skys ,charl.


so 11-10-16 09.00.png


so 11-10-16 09.00 col.png

coloured invert

so 11-10-16 09.00 invert.png

got a few frames at 11.30 with my ed80 and ASI120MC for a action shot

sol 11-10-16 11.30.png

and the othier side'

sol 11-10-16 11,35 p.png

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Good early catch Charl, clouds here but it's supposed to clear later.

Second day I've got up at cocks crow to try and capture Venus and Mercury in the dawn sky and got a big bank of cloud in the way :hmh:


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Been waiting for the rain to stop here, quite cloudy with bits of blue ATM, don't know whether to set up or not, got set up for nocturnal imaging in clear sky last night but it promptly clouded over and started raining.

Guess that's one advantage of being indoors Charl as you're always poised with your finger on the trigger :grin:


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thanks Dave, yer mate no fafing around getting PA, allways setup, trouble is ive got lazy and do far too much from indoors at night when i should be out. sun came out here and its nice and clear at the moment, seeing quite good aswell. ive just posted some pics, hope it clears at yours.  charl.

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Set up and waited for 2 hours for a big blue bit, tried to focus and realised I'd forgotten to turn on the Quark USB  socket on the power supply so got a nice "WL" image :hmh:

Turned it on now and waiting for another blue bit :grin:


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weve all done it mate, my useal forgetting is to not charge batterys and lens cap, ive done that a few times, wondering why i carnt focus on anything. well the weather carnt makes its mind up first sunny then cloudy then rain and now theres not a cloud in the sky, as soon as the moon rises thay will come from all directions.  charl.

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