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Stunning Helix Nebula with 12" Dob + O-III filter

Mark at Beaufort

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Last night was very good for observing so I set up the 12" Revelation Dob.

I viewed many objects last night but the highlight was the Helix Nebula NGC 7293. I used my Skywatcher Myraid 20mm 100 degree together with the Castell O-III filter. I cannot believe the view I was getting - so well defined and clear - in fact the best view I have ever had of this object.

This Myraid EP is really very good and IMHO gives the same quality view that I had in my 21mm Ethos. I also cannot praise the Castell O-III filter enough so I recommend this filter as well.

It was a wonderful night of viewing the only downside was the large amount of dew but the 12V hair dryer came to the rescue.

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Marvellous that you got good views and a nice report.  I'm somewhat envious. I set up here in Cornwall for a full imaging session expecting at least intermittent clear skies, which I got until about 7:00 pm, and then the cloud rolled in. I think I caught a glimpse of Vega at one point. :(

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Great report Mark :thumbright:

I was out with my 12" dob as well last night but the conditions were a little milky so DSO's not at their best. I spent some time observing Neptune and then Uranus, which was nice.

I think LP levels have increased around here lately as we don't seem to get really dark nights that often.

I'll have a look at the Helix when I do get a good DSO night again.

Great results from the Myriad and the Castell filter :icon_biggrin:

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Good one and very interesting concerning using your OIII. I am hoping to locate the Helix this new moon period from a dark site as last time I was out, low cloud and usually murk thwart any attempt. I think that I will prioritize using my OIII in preference over a UHC, as I believe that the nebulosity is better presented. I also have to be located where there is a good low lying southerly aspect and to search for it as it culminates. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
1 hour ago, Commanderfish said:

I have the Explore Scientific 20mm 100 degree, I wonder whether the Myriad is actually the same EP rebadged?

I don't think they are but both EPs are very good. I thought I made a mistake when I sold my TeleVue 21mm Ethos but to be honest thinking back I cannot see the differences between them.

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2 hours ago, Commanderfish said:

I have the Explore Scientific 20mm 100 degree, I wonder whether the Myriad is actually the same EP rebadged?


I've owned an ES 20 / 100, used the Myriad 20 / 100 for a while and own a 21mm Ethos. While ES seem to have copied the optical design of the Ethos and I guess the Myriad must have a not dissimilar optical layout (to achieve similar results) they are made by different manufacturers I think. Tele Vue have exclusive deals with their manufacturers so you don't see their eyepieces re-branded. I've seen the Myriad design under several different brandings and the ES 100's under at least 2 other labels.

All good eyepieces though :icon_biggrin:

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Yes I also have the Ethos 21 and the ES100 20mm.  Both very good.  I prefer the colour rendition in the Ethos, it's my favourite EP,  everything about it is just perfect (sharpness, contrast, colour etc) - but the ES100 20mm is very very good so I keep them both and sometimes use them side by side on different scopes on the Ercole Giro mount.


That said, the ES100 20mm gets used a lot as the finder eyepiece in the ST80 mounted to my Dob (x25, 4 degrees TFOV), and if the fracs are out the Ethos 21mm lives in my ED80 as a widefield/finder (x23, 4.4 degrees).

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The 21mm Ethos is just a superb collection of glass elements, I have to say it really comes into its own with the Mk2 Paracorr and a large Dobsonian, not to say it has other uses though. Some of the reasons I like TV is they spend money on design and research and don't copy, at least I don't know of them having done so.


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