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September 10, 2016: 57-pane H-alpha mosaic


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Here are the results in H-alpha from today. Quite a bit of activity developing, it would seem. I now have 4 H-alpha full disks in a row, and 5 both in Ca-K and WL. Tomorrow is looking good here, as do Monday and Tuesday. I might be able to make a big animation once more. We'll see

Grey scale:


Pseudo colour:


Part inverted:


Part inverted + pseudo colour:



Click on images to access full resolution.

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Michael,  Congratulations. I can't imagine the patience required to stitch 57 separate images together and yet it looks perfectly seamless.

Would you mind explaining your setup and editing process or if you've already answered this a link to said explanation?


Greg ~

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14 hours ago, SiriusDoggy said:

Michael,  Congratulations. I can't imagine the patience required to stitch 57 separate images together and yet it looks perfectly seamless.

Would you mind explaining your setup and editing process or if you've already answered this a link to said explanation?


Greg ~

Cheers, Greg. I use an 80mm APM F/6 triplet, stoped down to 75mm, with Beloptik tri-band ERF, Baader TZ-4 4x Telecentric lens, Solar Spectrum 0.3 Å H-alpha filter and ASI174MM camera. I capture 1000 frame SER files, and a flat, made by taking a 500 frame SER file of the centre of the disk well out of focus. I compute the final flat using AutoStakkert! 2.0, and stack 100 frames from each of the SER files (using the flat), to obtain the panes of the mosaic. I then open AutoStitch (win64 version, NOT the older win32) hand it the panes, make a cup of tea, and it is done. In some fairly rare cases it makes a complete pig's breakfast of the data, but usually that means there are duplicate panes, or some poor quality panes. As I often take a few spare panes, I can usually feed it a set that gets good results. For lunar mosaics, I tend to use MS-ICE, which also gives good results fully automatically.

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5 hours ago, michael.h.f.wilkinson said:

Cheers, Greg. I use an 80mm APM F/6 triplet, stoped down to 75mm, with Beloptik tri-band ERF, Baader TZ-4 4x Telecentric lens, Solar Spectrum 0.3 Å H-alpha filter and ASI174MM camera. I capture 1000 frame SER files, and a flat, made by taking a 500 frame SER file of the centre of the disk well out of focus. I compute the final flat using AutoStakkert! 2.0, and stack 100 frames from each of the SER files (using the flat), to obtain the panes of the mosaic. I then open AutoStitch (win64 version, NOT the older win32) hand it the panes, make a cup of tea, and it is done. In some fairly rare cases it makes a complete pig's breakfast of the data, but usually that means there are duplicate panes, or some poor quality panes. As I often take a few spare panes, I can usually feed it a set that gets good results. For lunar mosaics, I tend to use MS-ICE, which also gives good results fully automatically.

Thanks for the details!

I have no interest at this point to do such high magnification stitches but I do enjoy animations. Is there a way in AutoStakkert!2.0 to feed it multiple SER files to automate the process. The other day I did an animation and spent hours running individual 1000frame SER files through the program. I shot a 1000frame sequence every 3 minutes for two hours. I gave up after doing 1 hour of the animation. I was hoping for some magic bullet to speed this up or to just be able to walk away and let it crunch overnight.  Any suggestions? 

Greg ~

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52 minutes ago, SiriusDoggy said:

Thanks for the details!

I have no interest at this point to do such high magnification stitches but I do enjoy animations. Is there a way in AutoStakkert!2.0 to feed it multiple SER files to automate the process. The other day I did an animation and spent hours running individual 1000frame SER files through the program. I shot a 1000frame sequence every 3 minutes for two hours. I gave up after doing 1 hour of the animation. I was hoping for some magic bullet to speed this up or to just be able to walk away and let it crunch overnight.  Any suggestions? 

Greg ~

You can simply open multiple SER files (press open, select as many files as you like), run "analyse", and place alignment points in a grid, then press Stack, and all files will be processed in one batch.

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40 minutes ago, michael.h.f.wilkinson said:

You can simply open multiple SER files (press open, select as many files as you like), run "analyse", and place alignment points in a grid, then press Stack, and all files will be processed in one batch.

Oh wow! I can't believe it's that easy.

Now I can't wait to try it again! Maybe tomorrow. Thanks for the tips.

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