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Lawnmower Red Alert!

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16 minutes ago, Knight of Clear Skies said:

apparently a rouge lawnmower wandered

Got lost in the rough no doubt :)

Are all lawnmowers rouge, or are some green ?

Some of us can remember when grass on the radar was a problem   ( aurora can reflect radio, amateur radio ops. can communicate over unusually long distance by it, though the doppler movement of the auroral curtain causes wierd distortions especially on voice tx.  Just thort u'd like to know, :D  )


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If we really can't design a system that can't yet distinguish between a lawnmowers electrical/magnetic signature and an auroras electrical/magnetic signature, maybe we ought to be setting our current sights a little lower than sending humans to Mars ?

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How wonderfully British. Or maybe this could be a penicillin moment and they've stumbled on a connection between Lawnmowers and activity in the magnetosphere? We need to harness their collective power. Imagine the auroras we'd get if everyone used their mowers at the same time!

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