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AP equipment planning

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Cross post from other forums, so sorry if somebody already it)


Good day, dear astronomers.


Read the forums for some time, but now i'm in need of some advices. My only experience in AP is from reading many forums and specification of different hardware, so i can count me as noob) And only year and a half observing stars, moon and sun  with my 130mm newton).


First of all, wanted to say that I live in Ukraine (Odessa to be precise) and one of my friends will be returning here for holidays from NY. So I decided to ask him to buy me some equipment there because its near to impossible to get something decent hardware here in Ukraine (we only have some celestrons, arsenals (gso) and entry-level sky-watchers and other entry level observing equipment (mostly dobsonians and newtons).


So the point is that I need to be very precise with my decision on what parts exactly to buy, cause I wont be able to return them (in near future) if something wrong with them, or if I miss some crucial small details.

Also wanted to mention that besides AP, I want to use it sometimes for observing moon, sun and large DSOs...


1) On telescope I think I decided already - it will be either this or this - highpointscientific.com GTF81 or this highpointscientific.com GT81. First one comes with built-in flattener (but I don't undertstand one thing - description says its f\5.9, but in specification it states f\6.6). The second one comes with separate field flattener\reducer which takes it to f\4.7). I don't really know what should I buy between those two. Both those comes with mounting Rings and carry handle.

First I wanted to take orion Newton astrograph, but i decided against it, because some people said that its bad idea to take reflector as first AP setup, so big thanks to those people!).


2) Mount - here where I really need an advice cause there are plenty of them... I read countless forums, and amount of information confuses me very much. Its also very hard to decide cause nowhere here i can see them and i can only rely on forums or youtube videos. SO after several weeks of lurking i found several mounts.


a) Vixen Sphinx SX2 - there are a lot of vixen mounts out there, so its hard for me to choose.

B)iOptron iEQ45 Pro - same here, many iOptron mounts, very different opinions on them as i read on the forums.

c) Orion Atlas Pro - another suggestion i found on the forums.

d) and the last one which i find the most appealing(!) and also many good reviews about this mount - Losmandy GM-8 - many good reviews and also i found some pretty photos out there in astrobin with this mount. But i want to be sure here.. i assume that WO-FTG will fit onto gm8, right? or i will need something in between(sorry for dumb question) and about the mount itself - in optcorp link it shows that it comes with a tripod, which is around 200$ (so obviously mount alone is about 200 less). Do i need to order mount separately and order better tripod for it? Another thing that concerns me - should i get GeminiGOTO system for this mount? it adds a lot of money, tho i don't sure if i need it... And how does that digital drive on the mount operates? Can anybody give me a link or tutorial for losmandy mounts setup for AP without GOTO system and how does it work with PC?


3) Guide scope - WO Guide scope, tho it comes with rings, which are already exist in WO GTF or GT models of scopes. Maybe there are better ones there, so i can be open for suggestions.


4) Camera - here I'm confused also, but found some good reviews on new ZWO 1600 camers (with cooling). Color and monochrome ones. I cant decide which one to take, but thinking about monochrome one, cause there is a good chance that i can find filters here. If you had some experience with other cameras in same price range, i will be glad to hear which ones)). Also it would be cool if you can advice me what company should i take filter from? I know about astronomic, baader and thousand oaks. And how exactly do they connect to telescope? I know that's between camera and telescope itself, but how they differ in connection types? I can just plug them? (sorry again for dumb question)


5) Diagonal for observing - found some models (also read that mirror is better then prism, but also price changes too). From Vixen there is Vixen 2" Dieletric Coated Diagonal 50.8mm and more pricy one is from AP - mirror  (i assume later one is mirror, so that's why its so expensive).


6) + some more eyepieces for observing, but i think i can find some for moon and maybe sun.


7) And solar filter.. I'm not familiar with filters for refractors(. I have one filter for my Newton right now, but it works like a cap. Is it the the same for refractors? or they can be like special filter for eyepiece?


I think that's the only questions i wanted to ask for now, but i'm sure there will be a lot more stuff to ask) Sorry for the wall of text, i hope i could express my thoughts correctly, my English as you can see still sucks).


Thanks a lot in advance and for your answers)


PS also important thing that i don't wanna miss some cruicial things, that i couldn't order later here. I'm afraid that i might miss some cable, or plate, or something while ordering)

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1) The built in flattener will make things a lot simpler for spacing as this is tricky to get right if you buy a separate flattener.

2) A good mount is critical for AP, make sure whatever you get is more than capable with your setup.  If it has an ST4 port this will be helpful for guiding.

3) You will need a guide camera and a way to attach the scope to your imaging scope.  Do you have a laptop or such that you can connect for guiding with?

4) Yes ZWO seems to be coming on fast with new cameras, make sure you check fov and pixel scale to your intended scope before buying.  If you get a mono camera you have to use filters, the best way of doing this is to have a filter wheel between the camera and scope.  Once again you will need to connect the camera to a computer to use it.

5) You only need a 2" diagonal if you have 2" eyepieces, if you are only going to use 1.25" eyepieces then you could get a 1.25" diagonal.

7) Never use an eyepiece solar filter for solar observing.  You either use a full aperture filter like you have for your newt' or you use a Herschel wedge that directs the heat and light out of the scope.  Some refractors are not compatible with a wedge though so check with the supplier before getting one.

Have you read the book "every photon counts"?  This is a great book and will stop you making expensive mistakes.

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9 minutes ago, D4N said:

1) The built in flattener will make things a lot simpler for spacing as this is tricky to get right if you buy a separate flattener.

2) A good mount is critical for AP, make sure whatever you get is more than capable with your setup.  If it has an ST4 port this will be helpful for guiding.

3) You will need a guide camera and a way to attach the scope to your imaging scope.  Do you have a laptop or such that you can connect for guiding with?

4) Yes ZWO seems to be coming on fast with new cameras, make sure you check fov and pixel scale to your intended scope before buying.  If you get a mono camera you have to use filters, the best way of doing this is to have a filter wheel between the camera and scope.  Once again you will need to connect the camera to a computer to use it.

5) You only need a 2" diagonal if you have 2" eyepieces, if you are only going to use 1.25" eyepieces then you could get a 1.25" diagonal.

7) Never use an eyepiece solar filter for solar observing.  You either use a full aperture filter like you have for your newt' or you use a Herschel wedge that directs the heat and light out of the scope.  Some refractors are not compatible with a wedge though so check with the supplier before getting one.

Have you read the book "every photon counts"?  This is a great book and will stop you making expensive mistakes.

THanks for some clarification) Yes, i have a mac, where i can plug stuff if needed.


Haven't read the book, but i think i'll start it in a an hour, big thanks for recommendation.


PS @Vaccumed do you know where can i buy it as PDF? cause i highly doubt it will come here in Odessa due to poor post services.

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Same here, I live in a small island. No astro club, no astro shop, no astrophotographer.
If I only have one bullet as you, I will not go lower than Orion Atlas Pro AZ/EQ-G, ASI1600MM+FW+Filters, Lodestar X2 + OAG, & 600-800mm focal length refractor (+reducer).


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You should be OK using a Mac for running astro kit.  It will require some creativity as the software tends to be based on Windows for the most part.

Nebulosity (Mac version) - works with my Meade DSI, and I my Canon 70D 

There is a version of PHD for the Mac, but I've not tried this.  Might end up doing so one day, but not yet.

When things get trick and you need to run windows software (for example deep sky stacker, sharpcap, registax) the solution that I've found works is to use VM Ware fusion with windows installed as a virtual machine.    Doing this let me run my old TouCam Pro II under windows 10. 

MacBook pros come with a MagSafe (or MagSafe II) power connector, this is something that only Apple makes and they don't licence it to anyone.  This means that for powering a MacBook Pro outside for the night, you are limited to either mains or the internal battery...  at least that is what Apple will tell you.  There are solutions....

This is the first link that I found http://mct-corp.com/store/index.php?product/page/112/SALE!+Mikegyver+52.8AH+Ultimate+External+Battery+for+Macbooks+with+Magsafe  52Ah battery and a 12V adapter for a MacBook is great.

But in the end I found another one, http://www.coywood.co.uk/apple-macbook-pro-in-car-charger-85w-magsafe2-dc-adapter-14837-p.asp which is much cheaper.  I've tested this with a 12v battery and it works great.

this is a much more efficient solution than running the Laptop from an inverter.


Speaking of power.

I did some testing with my MacBook Pro (Late 2015 15" with Retina) running my Meade DSI, I measured that the setup was using about 3A using an inverter and the mains power supply that came with my laptop.

Same setup using the 12V adapter and the result was that the laptop was using about 1A.


Running my TouCam Pro using VM Ware running windows 10, the laptop was consuming 5A using the inverter.

With the 12V adapter, this setup was using about 3A.


Overall, it's worth avoiding an inverter if you can.


I realise this is a drifting off topic from your questions.  Just thought that it might be useful in case you find yourself with a flat battery under that perfect sky. (Of course if your Mac is a desktop, all this is off topic ;))

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As i said at my cottage i can find some 220v sources, and also i always can install win on my mac, so i hope no problems will be here.


Assuming i already determined what want to buy, still some questions arises here and there. For example, how to properly mount gtf81 onto losmandy gm8, do i need a special plate here for stability? and another thing - should i but losmandy with gemini module? 

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I'm surprised you found good reviews of the GM8. I only know two owners and they both hate it! iOptron are not getting a good reputation for reliability so in your case I would stick to the proven Orion/Skywatcher brands, though if you wanted to spend a bit more money I would look at Avalon whose engineering quality and quality control is excellent.


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28 minutes ago, Lordzaon said:

As i said at my cottage i can find some 220v sources, and also i always can install win on my mac, so i hope no problems will be here.


Assuming i already determined what want to buy, still some questions arises here and there. For example, how to properly mount gtf81 onto losmandy gm8, do i need a special plate here for stability? and another thing - should i but losmandy with gemini module? 

Be careful running 220v outside.  Dew is more of an issue when doing AP.  Make sure that anything that runs 220V is not able to get damp.  Last thing we want to hear is that you got an electric shock, or worse!

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