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what capture software for atik ccd


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I normally use MaxIM DL when I am reviewing Atik cameras but this is because I have already made the investment - SGPro would be my recommendation but although a little basic, there is nothing intrinsically wrong with Artemis and that comes free with the camera. However, if you want some bells and whistles (and useful ones at that) then you should take advantage of the SGPro free trial - I suspect you will become hooked!

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I use Nebulosity partly because it links to PHD and makes PHD pause when it is downloading, thus avoiding conflicts on USB ports. Artemis is useful at the beginning of the evening for getting focus in a full frame loop, and at the end of the evening for warming up the Atik slowly. If anything goes wrong when Artemis is running, it sometimes completely hangs the camera and may even need a reboot to get going again. That's happened too often. Is it me? I had a look at SGP a few months ago, but I am happy with simple Nebulosity scripts for sequencing (which I rarely use, anyway) and Astrotortilla (free) for plate solving, so I didn't keep it.


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1 hour ago, steppenwolf said:

I normally use MaxIM DL when I am reviewing Atik cameras but this is because I have already made the investment - SGPro would be my recommendation but although a little basic, there is nothing intrinsically wrong with Artemis and that comes free with the camera. However, if you want some bells and whistles (and useful ones at that) then you should take advantage of the SGPro free trial - I suspect you will become hooked!

I gave up using MaximDL about the same time I upgraded from Win3.1 to XP and I don't think MaximDL looks like it has changed much since then (apart from the price)... :) 


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39 minutes ago, geordie85 said:

I'm curious about APT with cooling. 

Can it set point cool or is it just on or off?

yes you can use set point cooling in APT, I have used it with SX and Atik cameras, some older SX cameras to sometimes freeze though.

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2 hours ago, AllanJ said:

I use Nebulosity partly because it links to PHD and makes PHD pause when it is downloading, thus avoiding conflicts on USB ports. Artemis is useful at the beginning of the evening for getting focus in a full frame loop, and at the end of the evening for warming up the Atik slowly. If anything goes wrong when Artemis is running, it sometimes completely hangs the camera and may even need a reboot to get going again. That's happened too often. Is it me? I had a look at SGP a few months ago, but I am happy with simple Nebulosity scripts for sequencing (which I rarely use, anyway) and Astrotortilla (free) for plate solving, so I didn't keep it.


Allan, is there sequencer for Nebulosity ? I mean different channels in one shot like in SGP and Artemis ?

In Artemis starmarking is quiet helpful if you are imaging one object on different nights and the camera warm ups. Dithering is quiet fluent between PHD and Nebulosity for a whole night of Narrowband or DSLR. Frame and focusing is a bitt easy to handle along with fine focusing.

I trawled a while looking for a Nebulosity Sequencer with no success.

if there is one available,please give me a tipp.





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12 hours ago, Rush said:

Allan, is there sequencer for Nebulosity ? I mean different channels in one shot like in SGP and Artemis ?

Hi Rush, there is a way to create sequences. It uses the very flexible Script Editor under the Edit menu. You select the commands from a list and save the file to run whenever. You can read the scripts in Notepad, etc, and you can easily edit them inside or outside Nebulosity, so first here's a hopefully self-explanatory example I put together for a demonstration a while ago:

# Script for LRGB
# Assume camera and filter wheel connected

SetDirectory  D:\AtikImages\TargetForTonight
SetName Lum
SetFilter  2
SetDuration  30
Capture 10

# Do darks for Lum
PromptOK  Put the lens cap on
SetName Darks
Capture 10
PromptOK Take the lens cap off

# Do RGB, binned 2x2
SetName Red
SetFilter 3
SetBinning 2
Capture  10
SetName Green
SetFilter  4
Capture  10
SetName Blue
SetFilter  5
Capture  10
Exit 0

As it happens, after I wrote my earlier post yesterday, I had a hunt about and found an SGL post from 2012 where Aggelos Kechagias wrote a script generator program. I installed it and it looks OK - and includes a cool down / warm up script generator extra. That's post:

Hope this helps,












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13 hours ago, AllanJ said:


HI Allan,

Thanks a lot for the hunt and script example. So simple and straight forward, was functioning right away.

But Aggelos Kechagias SG was not so easy as it was crashing quick. After a couple times i stopped harassing Nebulosity.

Well, it looks fine with cooling and warm up possibilities. Have to try with more and patience.

Thanks once again,

Best reagrds


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