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Error at Light no. 76.  Seems there is one FITS file it doesn't like.  Doesn't seem to be any way of deleting this from the list so looks like a case of terminating this instance and starting again loading filed and skipping this apparently rogue one.

EDIT  Later found the remove option :)  Thought there must be one :)

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Strangely in spite of the rogue file being removed from the list PI still processed it resulting in the error :(  So I killed that instance and ran the script again.  Chose 105 Lights avoiding the rogue one and selected the master bias then ran it again.  And it's still running...  All 105 Light sub files seem fine.  I have more lights in the set plus several other sets.  I think I'm getting to the stage where I can say I know how to register and stack subs in PI :)  Hopefully the rain will stop sometime and I can grab some Flats.  Also, bias and darks to match some of the other lights sets I have.

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Thank you both :)  I'll explore all this. 

I have run the preprocessing script on the very poor lights plus bias, dark and flat frames and I'm sure it worked better than DSS :) 

Also, I've been watching Harry's tutorials and I'm very impressed with PIs functionality and displays - histogram stretching, for instance, is much clearer in PI with good display of the resulting histogram which Ps doesn't have.  Except next time you open Curves.  The only problem might be remembering where all the processes are in the multiple menus.  I shall have to make notes :D

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Memory issue?

You can save some memory, by just using the imageintegration tool for the bias files, to create a master bias. Then use this in the BPP script in stead of all the bias raws.

I think that the procedure is in the LightVortex DSLR workflow tutorial.

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2 hours ago, Gina said:

The only problem might be remembering where all the processes are in the multiple menus.  I shall have to make notes :D

Once you have a favourite set of processes, drag each new instance to the workspace and save the process icons as a set. Makes starting up next time much easier. I have mine arranged approximately in my usual workflow with customised settings.

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... or put them under Favorites in the process explorer (left side of the PI window).

click on a process, then on the "Heart+" icon

To remove: click on a process under <Favorites> in the process explorer, then click on "Heart-"


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Ah - that looks good - thank you Wim :)  The more I investigate PixInsight the more I like it :)  I've now watched the full set of Harry's tutorials and it looks good.  Maybe a little fiddly but probably less so than Photoshop - that has always seemed very "longwinded".  I think it likely that I will do most if not all my image processing in PI - I just seems more logical :)  One point though - does PI have a Hubble Pallet process?  I've had a quick look through the menus and can't see it but with the huge amount of stuff there I could easily have missed it.

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5 minutes ago, Skipper Billy said:

I preordered it. It's already later than first anounced. I hope it's worth waiting for. Apparently, they keep changing the month but not so much the day of the month on this. I hope it doesn't become a late Xmas gift. :icon_santa:

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Thanks Billy - looks just the job - I've ordered it :)  I've found that a book usually goes far further into things than things online and provides a great reference.  I've ordered books for SketchUp, Raspberry Pi, Python, Linux, GnuPlot, Arduino and several astronomy books.  I often go to these for information.  I shall definitely be buying the full version of PixInsight so this seems a "no brainer" :)

1 hour ago, RichLD said:

Hi Gina

Try using PixelMath for creating a Hubble pallette - a tutorial can be found here.




Looks good and so much easier than that lengthy and fiddly process in Photoshop :)  I'm feeling really excited - a nice new imaging rig that seems to work ridiculously well and fantastic new software to process the "terrorbytes" of data that I shall be accumulating :D

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Really glad you like PI Gina - I'm a recent convert, although I still use PS for finessing the final image. I love how deep you can go with PI, especially at the linear stage. It's an image tinkerer's dream! :icon_biggrin:

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56 minutes ago, Gina said:

I'm feeling really excited - a nice new imaging rig that seems to work ridiculously well and fantastic new software to process the "terrorbytes" of data that I shall be accumulating :D

Now all you need is more memory and drives to store all those terrorbytes. PI image and project files devour storage space.

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I was originally thinking of using a 250GB SSD drive in my new PC for PixInsight but I'm thinking a 500GB might be more appropriate.  I have one of each size now - one for the new PC and the other to rejuvenate my Win7 desktop.  I haven't installed either as yet.  I could also buy and install another HD in the new PC if needed of maybe another SSD might be a better choice :D  I currently have a 1TB HD in the new PC and 16MB RAM.

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I seem to have the calibration, registration and stacking - ie. Batch PreProcessing script sussed :)  I've been grabbing bias, dark and flat frames to match the settings I've used for capture and going on to grab other sets for future settings.  In particular I used 15s with gain of 250 for M31 RGB imaging and I think I may have just clipped the bright centre of the galaxy so I will be repeating with shorter exposures so I'll use shorter exposures (or lower gain) when I have another go.  I plan to calibrate, register and stack my present sets in PI and see if the whites are clipped.  I have already produced masters for the biases, darks and flats so the script will be able to use those when processing the lights.

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That will be interesting to see. If the core isn't clipped, and it usually isn't, PI will handle it. No need for shorter subs. The process to use is called HDRMultiscaleTransform. If you do need multiple exposures, there is a process called HDRComposition for combining them.

Either way, you're safe.

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13 hours ago, Gina said:

Ah - that looks good - thank you Wim :)  The more I investigate PixInsight the more I like it :)  I've now watched the full set of Harry's tutorials and it looks good.  Maybe a little fiddly but probably less so than Photoshop - that has always seemed very "longwinded".  I think it likely that I will do most if not all my image processing in PI - I just seems more logical :)  One point though - does PI have a Hubble Pallet process?  I've had a quick look through the menus and can't see it but with the huge amount of stuff there I could easily have missed it.

What the whole lot

You must be mad :)



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Ah but your tutorials are so watchable Harry :)  I expect I'll have to watch some of them again to take it all in but my brain is not as young as it was :D  Thank you very much for producing them - they are very popular with members here, I know :)

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