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Faint Veil component


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The other night allowed some very fine viewing, with 21.7 mag and above average transparency.

I repeatedly scour the Veil neb for new and interesting things. Over a year ago I noticed something grab my attention near the eastern Veil, a very faint, very thin ghost of a line using averted vision. I thought it must be an illusion because of the little chain of stars near it. I viewed the area repeatedly, sometimes detecting it briefly sometimes not. This was with the VX10.

And so I wait...

Fast forward a year and a half or so and now a 15" dob is involved. Now this feature is confirmed, in direct vision.:thumbsup:Better location, bigger scope and patience has allowed me to finally confirm this object.

vdb, or Yves has kindly allowed me to use his fantastic image to identify this feature. Yves has some superb nebula images out there, stunning actually.

Here is the feature...

Veil, 20x5min sub iso 1600, Ha 3.5nm, D800am, FSQ106,G53F  , by Yves Van den Broek. Thank you Yves!!

ps- much better if you click on the image...






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Thanks for posting Gerry, it is great to learn of and to become mindful to the more subtle detailing and features that may be apparent and visible within the Veil and similar objects, your location provides you with the perfect research lab.  

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That's a stunning catch, Gerry - congratulations.  They say that linear objects are more easily detected by the human eye than amorphous masses, but this has got to be the thinnest, most tenuous line I've seen (I don't think  I'd ever noticed it on the photographs before!) - amazing.  Just goes to show the value in revisiting old favourites for new perspectives.


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  • 3 weeks later...

That is some serious observing!

I'll keep an eye out, but don't have your sky.

On a linked topic. I was surprised to see the Western Veil in direct easy vision without any filters the other night.

Did I hit a particularly clear night. Or, is this normal in a 16" dob?


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Hi Paul, great job seeing the Veil no filter :thumbsup:

Yes, the 16" will help seeing the Veil no filter, but your 10" will show it too- and so will smaller scopes. What EP are you using? a 24mm ES 82?

Seeing the Veil unfiltered is a combination of good skies and well matched optics. I just had 2 very good nights and focused on the Wisp- what a great amount of detail in there and the "hole" in the Wisp really helps define this object.

Can you see the thin thread filtered?

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Hi Gerry

I was using a 17.3mm Delos (no Paracorr) which gives aprox 92x. I've replaced the ES 24mm 82° with a 21mm Ethos, then replaced that with a ES 20mm 100° (Needed funds for a new scope).

Seeing hasn't been as good over the last couple of nights so faint line hunting has been out.

Hopefully tonight!



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Excellent- yes try the ES 20mm 100, it will show possibly more for you. Those are great eyepieces, I've been using my 30mm ES 82 extensively on these objects.

Find the Triangle and then try for the thin thread. Your 20mm ES will be perfect for the Pickerings Triangle hole in the 16" also, stare and then stare some more!

Best of luck Paul!!

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Thanks for the advice guys. But the ES 20mm can't quite live with the Delos in terms of contrast, but looking through the Delos is like looking through a claustrophobic bog roll compared to the expansive views of the ES 100°?. Obviously, I'll try both and report back. Although I have found that the Veil gives up more detail with a bit more magnification (150x seems to do well). At the other end there is a nice new TV 25mm Plossl to try (arrived today from a friendly SGLer in the Netherlands ???)....


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