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Inspired by Ibbo


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Having looked at an amazing set of images from Ibbo the other day and whilst being new to solar imaging (not DSO though, that's another story!), I have been inspired to copy him find new ways to locate details in otherwise ordinary images. I'm sure this is nothing new to you guys who have frequented this forum for a long time, but to me it's been a right eye-opener.

So thanks IBBO and whoever else process this way......

This is a cropped image from a full disk, QHY5P-11C converted to B&W and processed in CS3.

Why oh why did I get a colour camera?

I feel another purchase coming on.........



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3 hours ago, Ibbo! said:

Thanks, I use a method that I have taken from others and tweaked to my taste.

Glad you like it.

Is there a post where you describe your processing technique? I've looked and can't seem to find it. I really love the look as well. Thanks for sharing your images...

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thought I had copy and paste from previous post


i do it single stacked first ad get the best image as even as i can  ,then pop the ds on and overexpose so i know where the uneven bit is and then use the tilt to make it as small as poss then tune the ds unit.

now drop gamma down to about 80% and increase the size of image (I use 200 to 300% %) to get focus

return gamma to normal the adujust so the histogram is nearly filled about 90 to 95%

using the histogram to get about 90 to 95 % then grab the ser file and have been using the gain so i can get a faster frame rate recently

open AS2 and select your images if you are brave and want to try batch processing or do then one at a time


under the image stablisation tick surface

then analyse and let it run through

when its done you need to select the alignment points in the frame view box

i select min brightness = 0

AP sze to the smallest (I think it is 20) go bigger if using a barlow


I select between 50 and 150 frames click stack

if you are doing batch processing go get a brew or take dog for a walk while it chews through your gigabytes of collected data


using impgg i use about 0.95 sigma and 500 iterations and enable the normalisation and adjust the gamma on the curve to .85


then into PS and run an action I recorded

noise reduction strength 6 presevre deatails 90% reduce colour noise to 45% sharpen detail 0%

smart sharpen 30% @1 px

smart sharpen again using lower settings of between 5 to 20% @1px

shadows and highlights

shadows 60 -10-10

highlights 20-50 800px

colour adjustment +20

midtone contrast 0

curves to colour it


exposure adjustment to gamma .85

flip it as needed

then use curves or levels to tweak it and save in its varoius flaavours mono/false colour/invert and the ring of fire as its been called



hope that helps


and if anybody has any other tweaks methods that will help please join in

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1 hour ago, SiriusDoggy said:


Do you have to combine single stack and double stack images to get this look? I only have a single stack system at this time.

the double stack increases the detail and contrast


should work with single stack

I will do a SS next time and run it through


also have a look here



and if they are any good drop Mark a line to say thanks


my method is based on his

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