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AR 2565/67 with OIII filter during slightly better seeing


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As others have noted here, it's a tough day for imaging. I got a few sets recorded with very wobbly seeing, then this one, with briefly better seeing. Roll on tomorrow (sadly the spots will be rolling off soon after that). Baader film with OIII filter for the first time. Thanks for the suggestion Pete. I like! 



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Thanks mate!  Here's the video used to make this. Seeing was awful before and after, and even here it's not good, but there are glimpses of good frames in there too:



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Very nice Iain. I am going to be sorry to see those spots go! May i ask, how do you get your (gif?) animations on YouTube? What do you convert them to? I have tried a couple of times but had no success!


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Hi Charles, no gifs! I just convert the video to a standard format (Mp4 or Mp2) using Moviemaker, or powerdirector (there are lots of free converters around too) then I just upload to youtube.  Actually, I just tried: the original avi files just upload directly to youtube! 


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PS I just realised I didn't really answer your question: if you have the stills and want to upload them to youtube as a video to play like an animated gif, one easy way is to drag all the images into eg Moviemaker, click Edit in top toolbar. Make sure all the images are selected (Control A) then go to Duration box.  The dropdown menu only goes down to 1 second per image, but you can type anything in the box eg 0.10    Save the movie in any format you like, and it will play the images at 10 fps. Then upload to youtube in the normal way.  Hope this helps



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Wow Iain. This is very helpful. I am going to try it. The problem with YouTube I find is that there is no looping feature. Short videos come and go quickly unless you copy several of them on the same videos or attach another video. I will definitely investigate it more...

Thanks again,


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That's an excellent result given the seeing conditions you had - looks pretty blurry to me, but it's amazing what some processing will pull out! Nice one!

The OIII seems to be working well, although I would recommend giving a continuum filter a go at some point, they are excellent

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7 hours ago, cshahar said:

with YouTube there is no looping feature

You can loop with a link I think.  If you replace "HERE"  (in both places) with the video ID (the last part of the URL) it should automatically loop any video:   https://www.youtube.com/v/HERE?version=3&loop=1&playlist=HERE

I'll try it now with the above video. The ID is 2xH7EyEmXgM so putting that into the link should loop it.  EDIT: I just tried it  and it works for me!  


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Oops, sorry for double post there. Don't know what happened, and don't know how to remove it!  I posted it last night, then clicked to reply to your message Pete, it appeared again and I'd sent it before realising. Yes the OIII seems to give lovely contrast and better seeing. I should be testing it alongside the other filters today, but I'm grabbing what I can with the OIII hoping for enough data to do a animation of the spots disappearing. It already looks really good in my head :icon_biggrin:. Shame that seeing is so bad, and clouds are gathering...

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Duplicate sorted Iain. Sometimes when you start a new post, or quote then previous text appears. Just delete it and away you go. If anything goes wrong, just drop a mod who is online a PM to sort it.

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