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ARs 2565/7 18-07-16 animation


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Managed enough frames for an animation today (still haven't done yesterdays) variable seeing and I usually crop it a bit but had to do it quickly as I want to go out to play night time imaging.


Quark chromo, Tecnosky 152mm, PGBFly .5f/r



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4 minutes ago, Davey-T said:

I want to go out to play night time imaging.

That's super! Animations like this are so mesmerising. I'm impressed you are playing at night too. I've completely given up, now that it doesn't get properly dark here till 11.00pm at the earliest. 

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4 minutes ago, Debo said:

That's fantastic Dave,  how many frames did you use for the animation and what period of time does it covers ?

13 frames spread over an hour or so, tracking was playing up so had to keep re-centring manually and capturing in between gardening so a bit disjointed.


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7 minutes ago, Iainp said:

That's super! Animations like this are so mesmerising. I'm impressed you are playing at night too. I've completely given up, now that it doesn't get properly dark here till 11.00pm at the earliest. 

Been up until the early hours every clear night trying to get Pinpoint to plate solve, might get it working in time for Autumn at this rate :grin:


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