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17mm Ethos in the post


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After much deliberation and as a result of my experiences with my old 17.3mm Delos I have decided to hit the purchase button for a 17mm Ethos :hello: I think this will be the better option for my 110mm refractor giving 2.2 degrees of sky coverage and hopefully the slightly extra magnification will result in a darker background than the 21mm :happy7:

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Cheers Calvin & John. I must admit I cannot wait for it to arrive :happy7: it has taken a few years for me to gown down the world of wide path but I am pretty convinced it will be worthwhile.

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2 minutes ago, Pig said:

I have this scary feeling you may be right Gerry :happy7: I may aswell get prepared for the future Dob.

Don't worry - the Ethos do rather well in fracs as well !


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21 minutes ago, Pig said:

John... you are as bad as Calvin & Derek & Gerry & Mike & Alan & Stu etc etc etc........ :hello:

I might be worse than them - I have a number of Ethos and some Pentax XW's and they duplicate across a number of shorter focal lengths - I just can't make my mind up which I like best :rolleyes2:



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5 minutes ago, Pig said:

I have a feeling I may end up in a similar situation. However, I may just stick with the higher power Pentax XW   :happy7:

That is probably much more sensible than my approach :rolleyes2:


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7 hours ago, Pig said:

 I may just stick with the higher power Pentax XW   :happy7:

Doubt it......
With a big Dob you'll be wanting objects to fit within the FOV and some room around them. My Naglers start to struggle at high powers. You'll be using high power a lot with a big scope.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news ,matey ;) :evil62:

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6 hours ago, swamp thing said:

Doubt it......
With a big Dob you'll be wanting objects to fit within the FOV and some room around them. My Naglers start to struggle at high powers. You'll be using high power a lot with a big scope.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news ,matey ;) :evil62:

Steve, on the plus side at least it is good bad news ?

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Welcome to the world of Ethos or the inner magic circle as others know it. Once you have the 17mm you will start to wonder what the extra 4mm plus or minus will offer and before you know it your 1200 quid light in the wallet department. Many congratulations mate!!!


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Dave / Alan... I want them already and I haven't even tried the 17mm yet !!!!! :help:

My 31mm Baader Aspheric turned up today also..... not a bad month all in all if I must say so myself.

I do wish the people on ABS would stop asking me to purchase and then never respond.... I could also have had the 21mm Ethos by now :happy7: critters.

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LoL Dave... I have sold the Leica 3 times now the 14 mm XW twice.... all have failed to respond back..... The kidney's are still intact and are not for sale Just yet :happy7:

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The 17 Ethos is an outstanding eyepiece, and over 300g lighter than the 21mm.

In addition, it's an excellent companion to the 10mm and 6mm for a very nice 'troika' of 3 focal lengths, all with excellent contrast.

You already have those focal lengths covered.......or do you?:icon_biggrin:

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4 minutes ago, estwing said:

i was about to say Shaun...16" dob i'd go 17E,10E...6E...any bigger then maybe 21E,13E...then 8E?

I think that has help sway my mind up on what size Dob to get :happy7:

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Congrats.. You will love that eyepiece... ever since I took the plunge and got the 17mm ethos and the 31mm Terminagler, very quickly those eyepieces have become my favorites for deep sky and moon views... you will NOT be sorry that you got the 17mm Ethos.

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