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What astronomy shops online accept paypal?


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Its great, sign up with no sales or spam issues then when you buy online you earn cash back.

Most shops are covered including holidays like Virgin and insurers like More Than.

It takes about 3 months to get the money in your Paypal account but who cares it is free. Some of the savings are massive, especially on insuarnce etc.

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Fingers crossed it is FLO...

FLO doesn't use paypal, but I do :)

I can simply move payment from my account to FLO's.

Incidentally, we chose not to accept PayPal because people associate it with Ebay and, lets face it, Ebay is associated with some pretty duff astro kit. Were we wrong? It'd be a simple matter to add Paypal to FLO's site.

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I've bought gear quite a few times from suppliers purely because they took Paypal and I had a few quid in my account. I know what you mean about the Ebay-Paypal connection but I don't think it applies so much in a small market like asronomical equipment sales in the UK, you'll stand or fall by the service you give and not by the payment methods you accept and I think Flo has a good enough reputation on that score?

Just my 2p... :)

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I understand why you made the decision not to accept Paypal when FLO was just starting out and was a bit of an unknown quantity in the market (I remember us chatting about it when you were starting FLO up) but now FLO is established it may be worth looking at again?

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Hi Steve,

I'm planning on buying a 10" dob in the next few weeks and poss some 2" EP if your upgrade to paypal

is not up and running, how would I go about getting the cash to you?

I love paypal because the card for the account is my mother-in-laws :)

Regards Pete

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Especially if you use Quidco to earn cashback.

It really totals up.

Big fan of Quidco :thumbright:

I've signed up to all sorts gambling sites for the free cash promotions.

I've earned more than £200 in just over a year...

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Never use it - Paypal stuffed me up years ago and these days I'd only use it if my life depended on it.

I had about £3k in a Paypal account ready for a transfer to buy some expensive stuff. Paypal suddenly froze the account and basically said:

1/ You broke our Ts and Cs

2/ We wont tell you what you are supposed to have done

3/ You accounts frozen for 6 months

4/ We wont discuss it

I had three months of sheer hell over it and I'd never use them again.

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I have just today used Paypal to pay Telescope House for a Starfinder Lens for my Meade LNT Module.

I did a search first to try and locate the item, as I had been having difficulty just going from dealer to dealer. However, the search led me to Telescope House, but it had a .com address.

The Item was in stock, and priced in Pounds and pence. Delivery free via FedEx.

I'm sure it is the same Company that moved to Kent from London.

The main point of my rambling on here, is to say I used Paypal to pay for the Item. Easy Peasy.

A tracking No. was also provided, but it didn't work, apparently, it is only activated for purchase of £70 plus.

Steve, Flo. may well benefit from providing Paypal for customers, although some of your goods by nature are pricey items, so you will incur some hefty charges will you not?


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Further to my post on TH's Paypal means of paying. The part I ordered arrived before lunch today.

It was by First Class letter post, but nevertheless I am very impressed with their service.

Actually, I got an email 10 minutes after I placed the order, telling me the goods ordered, had been despatched. I thought, "Er, yeah right!. but that must have been true. I will need to shed my doubting Thomas attitude. :)


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Telescope House are near to me in Tunbridge Wells and are the same company you are thinking of that moved out of central London.

I look to buy first from FLO, but if he doesn't stock what I need, I've found TH to be very good and very reliable.

Look out for their 10% off offers - they seem to have them around bank holidays.


PS They changed from a .co.uk to a .com fairly recently

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The other bonus Steve is that you have no doubt ended up with odds N sods that havent moved or are customer returns etc, you could run an ebay shop to clear those items via auction and still list your other equipment with buy it now or nearest offer.

Given the number of people amongst the astronomy community that use ebay/paypal worldwide it has to be worth dipping your toe in the water.

I have bought from a couple of E bay dealers most notably Alan at skys the limit and smart astronomy in the states, I can honestly say that I dont consider either as any different to a retail shop of good standing such as yours.

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