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Mars and Saturn from June 14


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Finally had time to set up my new CGEM-DX in the back of my yard where I can get a view of Mars and Saturn, a bit a of crowded spot with telephone poles and power wires, but this is the only place I can get a view of objects as low as these planets, seeing was tough these were the best images I could grab.  Hope for conditions on my next outing


ZWO 174mm, Astronomik LRGB, 60 seconds of each filter at 13 fps, Q7, native.  With the conditions I had, the views with the power mate were not worth posting. Fire capture and Autostakert, and PI

Moonlight focuser with software controlled stepper.






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Same images as above, but spent a bit of time cleaning them up, selecting best frames and best sets of each RGB filter.  Tossed all the LUM data as it seemed the most problematic, I think they look a bit better





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Thanks for the comments, I appreciate it.

Very difficult seeing here recently, daytime temps unseasonably warm at 35C, and not much below 28C at night, looks like it may cool off next week, hopefully I can get another crack at imaging Mars and Saturn



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