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June 13th - Truly, the worst white light shot ever!!


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I do apologise, I really couldn't resist posting this for a laugh, the only frame I took yesterday.  I only posted this as no-one else posted a WL shot yesterday and to the person who replied to a previous post of mine saying that any shot is better than none - I bet you don't think so now!   :icon_biggrin:    Mind you if it had been the only shot I managed of the biggest sunspot I'd ever seen I might have though differently.  As it is - it's got to be a strong candidate for the worst WL shot ever.

The cloud was so thick that the exposure was 1/640 at 2000 asa, where as it would normally be around 1/1600 at 200 asa !!



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12 minutes ago, paulastro said:

Oh, I don't know Stu, yours is far more colourful and much sharper, far too good in my view :grin:

?? Looking at it again, I think it's actually one of the Mercury transit which would explain my perseverance!!

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Ah, that

5 minutes ago, Stu said:

?? Looking at it again, I think it's actually one of the Mercury transit which would explain my perseverance!!

Ah Stu, I did wonder why the small spot to the lower right had such a sharp edge and was so symmetrical when viewed at 100%. :smiley:

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2 hours ago, xtreemchaos said:

ive got loads baader than that"forgive the pun", you beat the weather and thats the main,well done charl

Many thanks charl, though I'm not sure I'd use the word 'beat', more like a score draw perhaps?  :icon_biggrin:

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10 hours ago, Iainp said:

Here's mine. 29 years ago! Photographing the image cast onto a large piece of paper. Those were the days.




No that's good!

My best projection was in the 80s - sun, moon, tree on a hill, buzzard, camera lens and bit of a paper all lined up!

Sadly no photo to prove it :-(


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11 hours ago, Lowjiber said:

Paul, I gotta respectfully submit that it's not your best work.  Still fun though... huh? :icon_biggrin:

Clear Skies


Ha ha, that made me smile, that must be the understatement of the year  - or at least I hope it is!!  :grin:

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4 hours ago, Stub Mandrel said:

It's a bad picture, even more badly stacked!

Thanks Neil. I did think it was probably a stacking job  Neil, though I wouldn't have a clue where to start - too technical for me I'm afraid.

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