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Newt v Frac - The Rumble in Derbyshire

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Here are my two newest scopes ready for a head to head challenge. 

In the blue corner: Evo "The Canon" 150 - weighing in at 11kg with a 6" girth and a reach of 1200mm. 

In the red corner: Skyliner "Dob Mob" 200 - also weighing in at 11kg with an 8" girth and also with a reach of 1200mm. 



Result from Round 1: Evo 150 snatches it with six clear dark bands on Jupiter before dusk. Very clear winner. Skyliner put on a good show but was a little soggy in the middle of the round and not quite so sharp. 

Ding-ding, round 2...

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Round 2: (Still light with only Jupiter visible to the naked eye) - The Evo is showing a darker sky and more contrast. Detail in the northern equatorial band is easily discernible and the moons are bright and pin sharp in the E10. The Skyliner now has a rather washed out view and lacks contrast. Detail in the bands is difficult to see in the E13. Despite the onset of some purple CA in the Evo, it is now 2-0 to the frac. 


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2 minutes ago, swamp thing said:

Never been a KG sort of guy how do they stack up in pounds (££££'s)? ;) 



I switched to KG a couple of years ago Steve on the basis that it's a lower number so it sounds like you weigh less :grin:

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Round 3: starting to get dark so cranked the power up a little with the E8mm. The CA on the Evo is becoming more distracting although the detail in the centre of the disk is still excellent. Switching the EP to the Skyliner revealed the beginning of the GRS transit, something not seen in the Evo as it was lost in the haze of the CA at the edge of the disk. The Newt is now starting to gain contrast and is a clear winner of this round. 2-1, to the Evo.



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1 minute ago, DRT said:

Round 3: starting to get dark so cranked the power up a little with the E8mm. The CA on the Evo is becoming more distracting although the detail in the centre of the disk is still excellent. Switching the EP to the Skyliner revealed the beginning of the GRS transit, something not seen in the Evo as it was lost in the haze of the CA at the edge of the disk. The Newt is now starting to gain contrast and is a clear winner of this round. 2-1, to the Evo.



Boooo hisssssssssssss Booooo :happy7:

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3 minutes ago, DRT said:

Round 3: starting to get dark so cranked the power up a little with the E8mm. The CA on the Evo is becoming more distracting although the detail in the centre of the disk is still excellent. Switching the EP to the Skyliner revealed the beginning of the GRS transit, something not seen in the Evo as it was lost in the haze of the CA at the edge of the disk. The Newt is now starting to gain contrast and is a clear winner of this round. 2-1, to the Evo.



Is your Newt showing diffraction spikes on Jupiter like my last Newt did? not dissing the Newt but just curious whether it was just mine or not?

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Round 4: E8mm plus Tele Vue "Any colour so long as it's brown" Planetary Filter.

The filter seems to have evened things out. Both showing good detail and very clear GRS, which with this filter should be renamed the GBS. The Evo seems to be slightly sharper and appears to have benefited from the filter more than the Newt. 

In all truth, this round is a draw. 

2.5-1.5 to the Evo. 

Ding, ding...

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Round 5: M13 - Perhaps the most one-sided round so far. The Evo opened the round by putting the referee on the canvas, it being the only way he could see through the eyepiece! :sad:

Both scopes were tested with the E17mm and E13mm. With both EPs the Skyliner came out well on top and seemed to be punching above its weight with great definition of individual stars all the way to the core and some with a hint of blue. The Evo showed s good but not stunning image, much dimmer and less sharp than the Newt. 

No contest n this target and if it was an amateur fight the ref might well have stopped it here and now!

2.5 - 2.5 - all square going into the sixth...


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Round 6: The Ring Nebula - A really excellent display from both scopes on this one but the Evo gets the point for a very vivid blue and a well defined dark core. The Newt required a little averted vision to show its best but the Evo was a clear as a bell against a nice black sky  

3.5-2.5 to the Evo.

it is starting to haze over here and as it's a school night I'm going to call it a day.

Suffice to say, big fracs rule :evil:


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1 hour ago, DRT said:

Round 3: starting to get dark so cranked the power up a little with the E8mm. The CA on the Evo is becoming more distracting although the detail in the centre of the disk is still excellent. Switching the EP to the Skyliner revealed the beginning of the GRS transit, something not seen in the Evo as it was lost in the haze of the CA at the edge of the disk. The Newt is now starting to gain contrast and is a clear winner of this round. 2-1, to the Evo.



Interesting comparo, also interesting to note I was observing Jupiter as well in my FL102s, all this evening. I first noticed the GRS at the edge of the disk almost side on, just the edge of it coming into view at 22:30. It only took another 30 mins or so for it to have moved sufficiently to then 'pop out' of the disk and be very apparent.

Sorry for going a bit OT, just was interesting for me to compare...since this was my first observation of Jupiter in a long long while.

Great comparison topic, a great read thanks,


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22 minutes ago, Mark at Beaufort said:

Great thread Derek. It goes to show that we should try and own both a good frac and Newt. By the way I used your Altair Lightwave 72 ED last night on both Jupiter and Mars - glad you sold it to me :happy11:.

It's a lovely little scope, Mark. Glad you are enjoying it :smile:


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3 hours ago, Mark at Beaufort said:

Great thread Derek. It goes to show that we should try and own both a good frac and Newt. 

Nah, Just observe with a buddy that owns a frac. Much cheaper that way ;) 

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