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May 30th - H Alpha - Three Filaproms


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Outside at lunch time.  Variable cloud with some haze, definition not great but filament activity and prominences are still good.  There are three filaproms on view, one on the NE limb and two on the NW limb.  In one of the latter, the prominence element only shows to a short extent in the frame I took.  The 'shark's fin' prominence is still visible.

Frame taken at 12.44 pm, Lunt 60mm DS, Olympus E-M10, 1/15 sec at 500 asa.


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5 hours ago, Radec said:

Excellent proms on a very pleasing image.

The benefit of the double stack. Getting harder to resist one!

Thanks Radec.  I've had my DS since last August (I bought the two bits separately from two different sellers on the used market) and it's made a huge difference to my solar visual observing, and taking single frame shots with my Olympus(s).  The best astronomical purchase I've ever made.  In fact my night-time astronomical activities have taken a decided second place.  If you're already a solar enthusiast, you'll never regret it if you decide to go down the same route.

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1 hour ago, Macavity said:

Nice blending of disk / proms. Gives context to the "Shark Fin".
(Part of a more general structure moving across the surface?) :cool:

Thanks Chris.  Yes, the 'shark's fin' prom is the W end of the very large filament that is now passing  beyond the W limb of the Sun.  This filament was face onto us straddling the CM on May 24th (and at its most impressive) and will finish passing out of view in a couple of days perhaps.

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1 hour ago, paulastro said:

Thanks Radec.  I've had my DS since last August (I bought the two bits separately from two different sellers on the used market) and it's made a huge difference to my solar visual observing, and taking single frame shots with my Olympus(s).  The best astronomical purchase I've ever made.  In fact my night-time astronomical activities have taken a decided second place.  If you're already a solar enthusiast, you'll never regret it if you decide to go down the same route.

Just what I didn't (yes I did) want to hear;-)

I'm only just getting the solar bug on a reasonable scale after years of messing with white & coloured filters.

I should post a wanted ad on ABS



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