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Finally... First solar light for 2016!


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Hi Everyone:

Well, I finally unpacked my equipment and started the 2016 imaging season. I was in India for a few weeks this spring. When I got back I developed a flu and gastro. Should have rested those first few days. The temperature in Delhi was 43 degrees Celsius, and I returned to 8 degrees in Montreal.

My first order of priority was to get acquainted with my new mount, an iOptron iEQ45. This mount is a good compromise in terms of weight between the EQ5 / CG5 and the more beefy EQ6. I purchased it for that reason. It took me a couple of days to get functional with this new mount.

I didn’t expect to get images in my first solar outing, but I went out yesterday and was quite fortunate. All those practice sessions last year paid off. I also had a chance to test out my solar guider which did not work with the CG5 because of the significant backlash associated with that mount. It seems to like my iEQ45 though, which has minimal backlash, if any.

The seeing yesterday morning varied from 2.5-3.5 / 5.0. However, the seeing wasn’t the issue. High thin clouds made the likelihood of optimal results rather sketchy. But for some reason the results were better than I expected. Attached is a single stacked image of AR 2548. The image was taken through a 4-inch ES refractor, Daystar Quantum 4Å h-alpha filter, and a 4X Powermate.

Because the solar autoguider worked, I was able to make animations as well. The span in real time was about 25 minutes. Although this active region was not exceptionally active, it was still fun do make an animation, but difficult to get consistent frames because of the variability of seeing and transparency. Here is the link:

(It takes a bit of time to load)

My next project is to try my new ZWO CCD that has higher resolution and will take me closer into the action. The ZWO 178MM will obviously needs better seeing conditions but the results should be quite dramatic particularly for active regions that live up to their name.

Great to be back,



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That is a  stunning image . I love the way you have captured the texture of the surface .....Beautiful !!   Just come indoors from a session myself...wet damp and cloudy.  Best regards....Alan.

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Hi Charles, welcome back, again  (posted somewhere else before I saw this) super images, a good way to start 2016.

I've had an iEQ45  for a few years that I use for star parties as it's nice and portable, the new ones have been upgraded a bit, mine tracks the Sun all day no problem without guiding.

Weather has been rubbish here for ages, can't remember the last time we had a clear blue sky, must have been last summer.


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Thanks everyone. It is still a little bit off band. I'll have to make an adjustment the next time out! Daystar had refurbished it over the winter, but I think I need to go about .07A into the red end to really get the most from this unit.

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