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Sky & Telescope's Pocket Sky Atlas

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Thinking it's time I got a star atlas and knuckle down to learning the night sky better.

I've seen Sky & Telescope's Pocket Sky Atlas for £8:46 inc postage. Anyone know if it's any good?

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In my opinion the Sky & Telescope's Pocket Sky Atlas is an exellent volume. I bought one to leave in the Televue NP 101 Refractor case, but find my self using on very regular basis with all my scopes. I am using more than my much more expensive Sky Atlas 2000. At the price it sells for I really do recommend it, and no I don't have shares in Sky publishings (mores the pity!)

Hope this helps


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I really think you'll like it. :)

One thing.. there was a typo on one of the pages of the original printing. If I recall correctly, S&T had a corrected page on their website that you could print out and substitute, but the typo wasn't bad at all.. an ink pen will do nicely to make the correction.

My copy is out at my observing area right now, but I'll scan the page for you asap. :lol:

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Turns out there were two mis-printed charts. One was the Corona Borealis area of Chart 55, and the other was the 'Siamese Twins' area of Chart C (which is a close-up of the VIR/COM cluster). Here are before/after versions of both. The misprinted areas are only the size of a thumbprint.. easy enough to pen in the corrections. :lol:

It's been a pleasure to help... have fun with your new atlas! :lol:

edit.. might help if I attach the charts. :)

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Excellent book...

May I also recommend the Phillips Deep sky observer pack...Fantastic value as it contains a comprehensive pocket size encyclopaedia of the deepsky objects, large starmap wall chart and a planisphere..

HTH :)


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Thanks Talitha I'll make the adjustments as soon as it arrives. :)

Hi peeceeTal2M, if you go to Amazon.co.uk they have used and new available from other sellers from £5:71 plus £2:75 postage. I ordered it from aphrohead books, never used them before so can't comment on quality of service yet, will let you know when it arrives.

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Excellent book...

May I also recommend the Phillips Deep sky observer pack...Fantastic value as it contains a comprehensive pocket size encyclopaedia of the deepsky objects, large starmap wall chart and a planisphere..

HTH :)


Thanks Greg will have a look at that. :thumbright:

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Peecee, purchased mine on line from the Book Depository.

Have found them cheaper than Amazon as postage is free, have never had any problem with them. Books are normally delivered in three to four working days, by Royal Mail.

It's a great little atlas.

phillc :thumbright:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well it got here, aphrohead books isn't the quickest shipping but well packaged and considering the price £8:46 inc. postage can't complain. Had a quick look and I'm really pleased. :lol:

The misprinted areas Talitha kindly supplied the corrections for have already been corrected by the publisher.

Thanks for all the help :thumbright: , I've got something to do while it's raining now. :)

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My copy has just arrived from The Saint Bookstore. I ordered it via Amazon and ended up in strange territory :lol:

My copy has the amendments already in place so I'm glad I don't have to fiddle about with my drawing pens.

It picked a good day to arrive what with the weather the way it is. The Astro Soc. I used to go to has cancelled the BBQ that was to take place tonight. I think they made a wise decision :)

I ordered on June 29th, so it came in 3 working days for a grand total of £6.08 + £2.95 postage.



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