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Solar Saturday - May 14th

David Smith

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Mixed fortunes today. Made an early start to try and catch the forecast gap and make the most of any decent seeing. Cloudy when I got up! Did clear off just before 8am though and I quickly rattled off 130 WL frames for stacking later and then grabbed all the Ca-K data I wanted. Clouds then put a stop on things and I went in to process what I had. WL data would not stack at all, probably due to poor seeing from the looks of the data. Ca-K data processed fine though.

A little later the clouds broke again and I was waiting with the PST, Laptop and QHY for another mosaic. Clouds came back after that but I did manage to find another clear bit later to grab some more white light data but even using the laptop to focus the camera I struggled. Visually the Sun was boiling and shifting pretty much constant and consequently my final image is still quite poor.

White Lights - probably best not to open at full res :tongue2:



Ca-K from this morning. These came out fine so seeing must have settled.



8 Pane mosaic @ 2500mm FL


Proms at 1000mm FL


H Alpha 23 pane Mosaic @900mm FL



Prom @ 900mm FL


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