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Messier 44 (The Beehive Cluster)


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Messier 44, 

The beehive cluster also known as Manger. Is an open cluster in the constellation Cancer apparent mag3.7

Just visible to the naked eye. 


Dob S/W 250mm F.L.1200/f4.7

30mm T/S F.O.V.70



Messier 44.jpg




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This is indeed a very good sketch  :smiley:.

For me, as a Visual observer, sketches are more interesting than images, I can compare them to what I see through the eyepiece.

I appreciate you taking Your time to share Your sketches With the rest of us.


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I like your drawing very much, it's truly beautiful piece, the result is worth more then a photography for me too.

It looks old style with the hand drawn frame and the technical calligraphy that is gone now because of AutoCAD. I am sure this one will pass from one generation to another.


Inspiring, I want to draw a cluster now.

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