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M3 through the MN190.


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M3 From the other night, naff conditions, so I was surprised it came out this way. Very short exposures, but being so bright I could get away with it. Equipment used was a skywatcher MN190, an Atik 314L plus mono. Plenty of exposures though at 40 x 10 seconds.

M3 (1-4-16).jpg

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I love Globs. and M3 Is a very nice one as your very nice  image shows. 
M13 usually is the one chosen as the king in the Northern skies, but M92 in Hercules is a good one too.
Simple truth for me, is I love all of them, and they can amaze anyone who has never seen one through a telescope.
They have as much Wow factor as Saturn when viewed for the very first time.
I have the MN190 too, and for a long time, but it has not had first light yet. 
Coincidence, but I also have the Atik 314L+  Camera, so I have much to look forward to.

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