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The Sun 3rd Apr 2016 Ca-K

David Smith

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Long session dodging clouds today. White lights still to process.

6 Pane FD @ 1000mm FL.


Close-up on the AR @ 2000mm FL. Didn't think this would work as the seeing had fallen off quite badly by the time I shot this vid.


And the proms including "the wrench" :tongue2:




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Cracking images, I captured the larger prom, didn't see the "wrench" :(


i have a question, you have a horizontal line , a boundary between light and dark. I have similar (but much more pronounced), do you know what the cause is?



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Thanks guys, very lucky to have had a few days this week whilst off work. Back to work tomorrow unfortunately, I could get used to this full-time solar astronomer lark :tongue2:

12 minutes ago, ant said:

i have a question, you have a horizontal line , a boundary between light and dark. I have similar (but much more pronounced), do you know what the cause is?



To be honest Ant, I do not know what the cause is. I only see this bright bar when I ramp up the gain & exposure for capturing the faint prominences. I kind of assumed I was reaching the limit of what the camera was capable of. I try to minimize it's effect during processing but it is hard to reduce this without impacting the image itself.

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