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The Sun 31st Mar 2016

David Smith

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Last one for the month. Not a particularly successful session with persistent cloud after I grabbed the white lights. Still, something better than nothing.

Good detail in the white lights plus I spent some time at the eyepiece sketching today. At the cost of the clouds interfering with everything else!




Should have gone back and re-shot some of my Ca-K panes as one half of the Sun is affected by a shadow.


Close-ups came out ok though






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Finally decided to have a bash with the PST today. Inspired by Chris / Macavity's progress I had a go at letting the Sun trail across the sensor to see if I could get rid of the Newton rings. Didn't work but I did at least get the 6 panes to stitch. Will have to go back to trying to use flats. H Alpha is such hard work compared to Ca-K :angry2:


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