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First RGB Jupiter 06/03/2016


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This is my first ever RGB planetary. It was taken on the 06/03/2016. The seeing was good. I do not know what I did differently regarding PA etc. but the image did not drift across the screen all the time I was imaging.

It is obvious that I need to invest in a TV 2.5 Powermate. I also need to get another adapter - 1.25" to M42 to utilise the Powermate. I originally purchased a C mount to M42, forgetting I needed a barlow /  Powermate  :whistle:

This has been a big learning experience for me, but I am very pleased with what I have learn't, certainly on the processing side of things.

I know this is not a "brilliant" image but hey ho.

Scope: C8 @ f/10
Mount: NEQ6
Camera: TIS DMK31 Mono
Capture S/W: SharpCap
Stacked: Registax6
RGB Aligned & Processed: CS6

I welcome all comments.

Jupiter 2016-03-06T01_Run1_RGB Processed.tif


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A good image Ian. If that is a start, I expect you will do really well when you get the new goodies. The bands are clearly visible and with some colour. Your polar alignment must have been good if no drifting.


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Hi Caluc,

Thanks for the reprocess, big improvement. I could see it was looking a bit green ? I would appreciate it if you would tell me what it was you did, was it mainly aligning the red blue and green?

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8 hours ago, Uplooker said:

Hi Caluc,

Thanks for the reprocess, big improvement. I could see it was looking a bit green ? I would appreciate it if you would tell me what it was you did, was it mainly aligning the red blue and green?

OK demonstration :

Clear skies.




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Hi All,

Sorry that it has taken me so long to respond to the replies that people have made to this thread. I have been tied up with other things and busy utilising the great advice that people have given here and in the other thread that I started:-https://stargazerslounge.com/topic/265207-assistance-with-rgb-planetary-imaging/

Any ho, here is my latest effort at processing the original RGB images. I have used everyones advice, either whole or in part, and arrived at this.

Thank you to everyone for their assistance. I have learned a lot and have an awful lot still to learn.

I hope you think I have made an improvement on my original posted image.


Jupiter 2016-03-06T01_17_37 RGB combined in Channels Reg6.tif

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3 hours ago, Physopto said:

Not bad at all Ian. At least someone is getting out and imaging. All I have is orange glow.

What scope and camera?


Hi Derek, see my original post for capture details

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Hello again,

So here are the settings I used in SharpCap. Would anybody care to comment on whether or not these are good ones.

[DMx 31AU03.AS]
Frame Divisor=1
Frame Rate (fps)=30.00
Colour Space=Y800

I would appreciate any input. The capture details are as per my original post, but here they are again:-

Scope: C8 @ f/10
Mount: NEQ6
Camera: TIS DMK31 Mono
Capture S/W: SharpCap
Stacked: Registax6


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