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A Lunar Flyby


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Not as nice as others I've seen but is my first close-ish 'moon-plane'. Had the dob sat out cooling in the shade and a plane going over looked like it might get pretty close. In went the old Tal 25mm plossl and out came the mobile phone. Managed to catch the flyby with the Nokia on full auto;


(click to pic to make big)

Managed to see two Iridium flares 'on purpose' too - IR3 and IR22. I missed IR76 though. Fun night.



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You ought to get a job as a News Photographer Matt. You're always in the right place at the right time. :D

Moon fly bye's and Iridiums in double quick time. I think we'll re name you Scoop. :)

Nice work mate. :D


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you know, i try a pic of moon in darkness with my phone it goes all ends up, you do it in daytime and get a fast moving plane crystal clear too.

congrats mate, you are a mobile marvel lol :grin:

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Heh, you're all too kind I'm sure :grin: The eyepiece did the framing top and bottom - I just cropped it central. Was a great few hours out with the dob last night once that pesky moon was out of the way :lol: Thanks for the nice words all.



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