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Hi guys,

A bit of advice needed i recently bought a Stargazer 8'inch Newtonian Reflector with it came a 2x barlow lens and a Super 10mm and a Super 25 Wide Angle Long Eye Relief lenses, for the time being im only really interested in the Planets and Sun i shall work my way up to Deep Space when feeling more confident . So i would really appreciate your expertise regarding the best eyepieces i could get to start me off initially, also the best filters to get, I'm also hoping to take up Solar viewing so what would be the best Solar Filters to accuire there are that many Lenses/Filters on the market and to a newbie like me it can prove daunting hoping for your wisdom guys thanks in advance

Best Regards


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Hi Stan, and Welcome..

Firstly I would say this.. Please don't point that scope (or any scope) at the sun without the appropriate filter.. saying that even if you know this already.. :icon_biggrin:

Filterwise the following are good.. http://www.firstlightoptics.com/solar-filters/astrozap-baader-solar-filter.html and would provide the necessary protection

Secondly, Try getting used to the scope first, the 25mm is not too bad, but inevitably you'll like to upgrade.. then think of a budget and let us know, we've all been through the trial and error so happy to help you decide which and what's best suited to your needs..

Of course, if like me, you don't want to wait were good at helping you spend your cash on all sorts of nice things!





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FLO have lots of EPs on clearance at the moment. You can get some good quality EPs for around £50 or slightly more, so getting two in your budget range should be easily double.  Check them out. Here's a few links;



note; some of the ones on offer are 2" EPs, so if you have a standard 1.25" telescope finder etc then make sure you get the right size you need if you're tempted to get one or two. 

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Try the supplied eye pieces for a bit. Learn how your equipment works and get an idea what you want out of your eye pieces. Do you want large Fields of view etc. then buy the best eye pieces you can afford. The first to replace will probably be the 10mm, but take your time and in the long run it will save you money and frustration.




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Hi Stan, another vote for the BST explorers/starguiders from me, available on eBay from 'sky's the limit' for around £50 each. Good and sharp with a decent field of view. Some find the 25mm BST not so good, but for me it was ok and the 8mm and 12mm were crackers. They Also pop up on astrobuysell (ABS) second hand often for £30-35. These exact EPs are sold by other shops branded differently at nearly 100 quid! 

Slightly cheaper are the Revelation plossls, nice upgrades to the standard supplied EPs and at around £30 a go are great value.


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