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The Sun in White Light 14th Feb 2016

David Smith

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My first experience imaging after the change of focuser threw up on or two challenges. Seems the overall out-focus travel of the new focuser is somewhat less than that of the original focuser, leaving me unable to focus the DSLR image of the Sun. Straight through the focuser could not rack out far enough but with the diagonal in place it could not rack far enough in! Initially confounded by this problem I resigned myself to sketching and then sourcing an extension tube from FLO this evening. Having completed my sketch I remembered my Revelation 2" ED Barlow languishing in my eyepiece case. Off came the lens element and the tube section drafted in as an extension tube. This give approx 50mm of additional length to the focuser meaning the camera can reach focus in straight through mode. May still source a dedicated extension tube but with less urgency.

Lots of wind and fast moving cloud whilst shooting so I am surprised how well these have come out. Seems I may have gained a dust :icon_albino: since the last session :evil3: The new focuser certainly does make life that bit easier. Orienting the image correctly is much easier now, just loosen the thumb screw and rotate the whole unit. Previously it was a precarious operation involving loosening the connection between T adaptor and focuser with the ever present risk that the camera would just slip out of the focuser. The 10:1 focusing is also a real help when you get close to focus although I still rack back and forth through the focus point to ensure I have the point of best focus.

I am using an old recycled flat field so probably should refresh that at some point. Difficult enough to get enough subs of my target let alone subs for a flat as well!




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Cool images Dave, nicely focused and a fair bit of detail for a white light image.  Did you do much processing on them to bring out the definition on the spots spots.  What solar imaging I've done, I've  always struggled to get good focus - need to get some practice in for 9 May.



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Thanks all. Back to work today so clear blue skies :hmh:

11 hours ago, saac said:

Cool images Dave, nicely focused and a fair bit of detail for a white light image.  Did you do much processing on them to bring out the definition on the spots spots.  What solar imaging I've done, I've  always struggled to get good focus - need to get some practice in for 9 May.



Thanks Jim, focus is just about practice to be honest. I do all the focusing on the DSLR LCD but many people connect up to a laptop to do it properly :o I find that is too much hassle when I can mostly manage without, just lazy I guess. For post-processing I use PIPP to convert the RAW files then Registax 5.1 to stack and apply wavelet sharpening. I then open the resulting TIFF file in GIMP 2.8 and apply a couple of rounds of unsharp mask and a gaussian blur. Then just add colour (or not) and paste in my Earth-to-scale and other parafinailure. If you want specifics settings and / or values then let me know, happy to share.


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