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Yes I have asked a similar question before..

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I have the 9x50 on all my scopes except the dob which gets a Telrad as well. One or other will fit fine on the 150 so it's really down to personal preference. On my smaller scopes I do prefer a bit of magnification on my finders - the Telrad doesn't magnify. Hth :)

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I have the S/W 9x50 plus the RDF on its arm (so to speak).  It is not too big at all on my 127 Mak.  

And I love the finderscope - it makes a huge difference.  You get a wide view (about 5 degrees), as well as seeing faint objects the naked eye misses, and it has crosshairs.  Coupled with the RDF - a great combination.

(I started with a S/W straight-through finder with double inversion, but really didn't like it.  Hard to use, hard to interpret the view.  That's just my preference.  But the RACI model is great.)



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2 hours ago, cloudsweeper said:

I have the S/W 9x50 plus the RDF on its arm (so to speak).  It is not too big at all on my 127 Mak.  

And I love the finderscope - it makes a huge difference.  You get a wide view (about 5 degrees), as well as seeing faint objects the naked eye misses, and it has crosshairs.  Coupled with the RDF - a great combination.

(I started with a S/W straight-through finder with double inversion, but really didn't like it.  Hard to use, hard to interpret the view.  That's just my preference.  But the RACI model is great.)



Sounds interesting...have you a pic to show, trying to get my head round how?

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I have a Celestron Starpointer and a 9x50 illuminated. 

They look a bit silly on my little 5" scope, but honestly wouldn't want to be without either of them. 

The Starpointer is great because you can use it with both eyes and easily get close to your target. Then get it dialed in, bang on with the 9x50.

I tried numerous times to find Andromeda but never any luck. First night out with the 9x50, found it right away! 


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3 minutes ago, laudropb said:

If you have light pollution from your observing site then the magnified view of a RACI can be a great aid. Like many others I find a combination of the RACI with a Rigel finder is an ideal set up.

Same combination used here. Combined with a good star atlas and a low power / wide field eyepiece I've found dozens of faint galaxies and nebulae with the 9x50 right angle correct image (RACI) optical finder and Rigel Quikfinder pairing.

Most of these objects are far too faint to see in the 50mm finder but the optical finder shows stars down to around magnitude 10-11 so is used for the final detailed positioning prior to viewing through the low power eyepiece.

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11 hours ago, markthg said:

Sounds interesting...have you a pic to show, trying to get my head round how?

Here you go.  The RDF sits on the bracket holding the 9x50.  I used some insulating tape to position it, then secured it with a couple of cable ties.  Works a treat.  The perspective of the shot makes the finder look big - it isn't!  And of course the OTA itself is short, being a Maksutov.



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8 hours ago, laudropb said:

If you have light pollution from your observing site then the magnified view of a RACI can be a great aid. Like many others I find a combination of the RACI with a Rigel finder is an ideal set up.


8 hours ago, John said:

Same combination used here. Combined with a good star atlas and a low power / wide field eyepiece I've found dozens of faint galaxies and nebulae with the 9x50 right angle correct image (RACI) optical finder and Rigel Quikfinder pairing.

Most of these objects are far too faint to see in the 50mm finder but the optical finder shows stars down to around magnitude 10-11 so is used for the final detailed positioning prior to viewing through the low power eyepiece.

I use the same combination as well on both my 150P/AZ4 and 250PX Dob. I would be, quite literally, lost without the Rigel. 

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