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New Revelation 12" Dob and clear on the first night

Mark at Beaufort

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I went to Astrofest last weekend and saw the Revelation 12" Dobsonian on special offer with free delivery. I decided that I needed a bigger scope (again) so bought one and it was delivery yesterday lunchtime. Spent the afternoon unpacking, assembling and collimating. For the money it appears to be a nice piece of kit so with clear skies last night it had its first outing.

I used my Explore Scientific eyepieces - 24mm, 18mm, 14mm, 8.8mm, 6.7mm and 4.7mm. I changed the finder to my Orion 9x50 correct image and added a RDF on a dual mount with the finder.

I viewed the following objects over several hours - NGC891, M31, M110, M32, NGC7789, M1, M36, M37, M38, M42, M43, M78, NGC2259, Rosette Neb (with Astronomic O-III) Eskimo Neb (O-III) and Gemini PLanetary NGC2371 (O-III).

I also attempted to view the Horsehead (with H.Beta), Flame Neb and Sirius Pup (with/without Red filter) all of which I failed to see.

Finally I viewed Jupiter with mags of 172x, 226x and 323x - good sharp contrast with nice belt displays.

So for a first night I cannot complain. The focuser is very good but I will change the secondary collimation screws and the springs on the primary mirror. Otherwise for £499 delivered I am pretty pleased so far.





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Nice one Mark. I know you've been teetering on the brink of buying a larger scope for quite some time, so it's good to hear you've finally taken the plunge.

I'm sure you will have some lovely views from home, given you have nice dark skies there.

Looking forward to seeing you at SGL11, though probably not the scope I imagine?

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Great value scope, Mark. It's superb bang for your buck. Will follow with interest how you get on with it. I think I agree that it could do with more robust springs and better collimation screws on the secondary. I've not made improvements yet as I'm a scaredy cat but would like to some day.

wait until a couple of months' time and Galaxy season. The Coma/Leo/Virgo area is a revelation (pardon the pun) through his scope!!


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Thanks Paul I have already changed the secondary collimation screws I bought these - http://www.wdsltd.co.uk/product/3338/adjusting-screw-steel-metric-wds-605

I bought the 35mm length - however, perhaps the 45mm might be a better length although the 35mm are fine and it made life so much easier to collimate the scope.

I have also fitted swivel, lockable wheels from screwfix - £18.99 for a set of 4. Makes it easier to move the heavy scope on a hard surface then lock the wheels in place.

Going to fit some handles - http://www.wdsltd.co.uk/product/3851/bridge-handle-with-steel-or-brass-insert-wds-8532

They are on order so it should make life easier to carry down the garden and lift onto the wooden base.

Finallly I will fit better springs from bobs knobs - http://www.bobsknobs.com/Newt/page45/NewtPri.html

When I have completed this I will do a review of the Dob but thanks Paul I am looking forward to your recommendation of viewing the galaxies in leo and Virgo.




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Nice first light Mark and congratulations on the scope. Now I have most types of scope I really do think the place to start is with a Dobsonian, I'm still learning the sky after all these years with goto's and my Dobbing ability is very second-rate though I am getting better. Pretty much unbeatable value at 499 quid for a lot of scope.


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