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Hello .. From New Hampshire, Moving To Arizona


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Well I'm going to say I'm NEW to astromony because I've been out of it for so many years.. but use to love it .. 

now that i'm older and slowing down I'd like to get back into it agian.. 

Althought I'm not your normal.. what's the least expensive thing I can buy kinda guy.. I'm more of a Whats the biggest and Best I can afford kinda guy. 

I'm thinking after doiing SOME research.. that I would like between a 12" and 16" telescope.. GOTO would be helpful. 

I'm considering a dome to store it in.. so I don't have to move it around and can make it sturdy so there is NO shacking of the scope etc..  and because it's a little cold and night. .I think not having to wait for the mirrors to get to "room temp" .. I'd like to leave it in the dome (whatever / wherever that be in my yard ) 

so will be moving near the Tucson area.. looking to find a group / club near there. told they have plenty of groups in that area.. 

should make for some fun nights!


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