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New 10" dobsonian build.


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Good day to all who come by this post. 

I have a old 10 inch Dob that i made about 7/8 years ago that is rather knackered after so many nights observing. The scope was not very well made as it was my first attempt at building one. since then ive lern't so much, building about half a dozen scopes. Especially after building my 20" and reading David Kriege and Richard Berrys book The Dobsonian Telescope. Which i highly recommend.

As you can see from the image attached the old scope was based on Obsession telescopes, Ultra compact design. the secondary cage was originally one ring with the spider protruding up like a pyramid. i decided to change this to a fully enclosed cage dew to stray light and wanting to mount dew controller and other things to it. Also another thing that ive not seen on any other scope is all the axes ran on bearings this worked really well but Teflon and formica is just as good if not better and i find its easier to get the scope balanced. I also used telescopic camera tripod poles for the poles this was sometimes a hinderance as i would have to re collimate a couple of times during the night.  All in all the scope worked fairly well and ive had so many fantastic nights with it but its time to rebuild. 

I had some materials left over from the 20 inch Dob build and ive spent about £100 on new hardware and poles. I gave the mirrors a good clean the other day they are in good condition with no sign of ageing. The rebuild will be very similar to the 20" so it will be like a little brother to the 20"

The build is imminent so will post update very soon

Thanks for reading.



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  • 2 years later...

Finally got round to posting some photos of the 10 inch rebuild.  I'm afraid i didn't take many photos as i was in the middle of several projects at the time. 

Im very happy with the results I will post a review of how it performs soon. It sure is my 20 inch's baby brother as you can see from the last image. 



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It's had a baby :grin:

Nice work Pete and looks spot on. It takes lots of effort and thought to produce such a nice instrument.

Your workshop looks well organised too in the back ground :wink:. Some nice Lie Nielson/Norris type planes on that shelf.

Be glad to get my workshop sorted, never have enough space. 

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Hi Pete from another Essex based member. Great to be into the DIY side of our wonderful hobby, means there’s astronomy to do even when we suffer a long cloudy spell. Thanks for sharing what you’re up to.

The scopes look very nice, and so does the workshop ?



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Oh yes, that workshop is far too tidy.  Tidy and me don't go together - ask anyone who knows me.  I try to be tidy bit it just doesn't happen!!  My sister is much the same - her husband follows her around clearing up after her.  Drives her mad!! ?

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