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It was rainy yesterday, but I just finished a quick session a little after 1 am


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It rained yesterday, but it was mostly clear after midnight. I just used my binos after 12:30 and saw the Pleiades, all of Orion including M42, Auriga and some open clusters just to the south and east of it.


Today was the first day I could see Orion, because I set up in my backyard and my row of townhomes blocks a lot the sky from northeast to southeast. M42 looked great in my 15 x 70 binos, although not as good as in my telescopes. I can make out the nebulosity very easily and could see 3 fairly bright stars in the nebula.

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Nice report, There's a lot to see in and around Auriga.

That's the advantage of binos.... no set up time. If I was to find it clear after midnight one night I probably wouldn't bother setting up my scope, just grab the binos and start scanning the skies straight away.

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Nice write up... I like looking at Orion Nebula through the binoculars, especially on crisp and clear nights. Also the Pleiades through my 10x50 binos look awesome, but a tripod is a must to see it properly with the slight shimmer of star twinkle.

Of course there's the Milky Way in the south, lots of binocular targets..... Ok ok, so there is no single favorite.

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