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M31 Captured with ED 80 and Canon 600D


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Very nice image mate, i love the colours in this one. 

Can you elaborate a little on your acquisition method? e.g were all the subs at a single ISO (if so, which one) or did you use multiple ones? And what capture software & settings did you use?

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Did you use the HDRMultiscaleTransform/LHE combination? This involves an initial does of HDR at a wavelet number that gives the best results, followed by a low kernel radius and then a high radius LHE, finished off with another HDR tweak. This really brings out details in galaxy cores and arms without flattening or saturating. Starmasks to protect star cores are important for the HDR work and LHE needs a mild Lum mask usually, as it tends to increase noise in low signal areas.

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